In a day like this, it is easy to get offended. Honestly, every time someone makes a joke about someone different they are called racist, sexist, or prejudice. For example, if I make a joke about black people, I will be labeled racist and be hated even though I have befriended black people in the past and personally have nothing against them. This is why Hollywood tries to be careful, but fails miserably. Because of this, there are multiple movies that people label "offensive" and is deemed unwatchable, no matter what critics say about it. Noah, is one of those movies. Just look at it's page on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics gave it a positive rating, but viewers hated it. Why? Did they not know that with an adaptation, changes had to be made.
Pros: It has a great cast. The actors portray the characters in a great way, even though it does not coincide with the Bible (more on that later), they are well liked. There is a good and bad side to both of them, and it makes them "human." I like this, because they have multiple layers and not one dimensional. I know a lot of people have complained about Noah's character in this film, but prepare to get mad at me, I liked how he was portrayed in this film. I believe every man has to have a moment of temptation and doubt and he had that. It makes for a strong story and a character who learns, which is realistic!! Not only that, but the message the Bible Story teaches us is in this movie without it being preachy. That is what I wanted from the very beginning. The CGI also looks incredible. Better than what other films of last year looked like.
Cons: They tried combining all beliefs into one here, in turn changing a lot of things. This is why people are offending. Director, Darren Aronofsky really tried, but it came up with contradicting ideas from all religions and no one being happy about it. The villain isn't very original and his monologue moments are pretty comical.
Final Verdict: 7/10! It's not as bad as people say it is, it's actually pretty good. I was not offended by it, but I can tell what it was doing. It does feel more like an Action Fantasy film more than a Bible film. I have seen more offensive films than this. Heck! Anything Adam Sandler has done in the last 10 years is more offensive than this. Check it out, but don't expect a full accurate representation. This is not the same Noah story as the Bible, but it doesn't need to be to be enjoyed.