When it comes to "bad" movies, nothing is as Hollywood infamous as the Twilight franchise. Indie films have there own infamous bad movies (example: The Room). It is one of the easiest targets for mockery and parody and all the flaws are very obvious. Everyone that has seen them knows what they are and I am better off not beating a dead horse and bringing them back.
For those who talk crap about them and haven't seen all of them, shut up. The only people who are entitled to an opinion are the ones who saw these movies. I didn't say anything about it for awhile because I didn't see all five films. I have recently, which is why I decided to talk about them, because, believe it or not, there are some good things about Twilight.
The Pros: All the movies have a good soundtrack. Think about it. There is a great amount of good music. Even Robert Pattinson adds some of his own written music and did some beautiful songs. Buying the soundtracks by themselves is worth it. I can recall two decent scenes out of the five films that are worth looking up on Youtube (Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the movies) The Baseball scene in Twilight (the first movie) and the war scene in Breaking Dawn Part 2. Both of which are well shot and the little amount of dialogue make the focus on the visuals which has it's own level of impress. I can think of two good characters as well, which is hard to admit. Alice and Carlisle are the two best characters in the entire franchise. They have more than just one tone of character and the actors do the best they can with the written dialogue (which is awful.) and I can sympathize with them. Alice is good because she is the only character that still allows choice even when she knows all the events that could happen and is the voice of reason for Bella. Carlisle is good because of how much sympathy you end up feeling for him and how much you sympathize him for being in the situation he is in. He is a vampire doctor who feeds on animals! Think about that. It'll be like a man seeing a steak in front of him, but rejecting it for broccoli. Also, the only people he turned into vampires, were the ones that were dying and nothing else could save them. He understands the harshness of turning into a vampire better than anyone else. So yes, I found something good about the Twilight franchise.
The cons are obvious and listing them is just a waste of my time, because we all know they exist and are there, but I do have to say one thing. All the problems, are also in the books. I really have nothing else to say about it. If nothing else, the movies have done nothing but saved my time and energy to just watch them instead of reading through the books and make me closer to a bloodsucker.
Now to defend something. Something I wish I didn't have to. Taylor Lautner is a worse actor than Kristen Stewart. Kristen Stewart got a bad character and did what the director wanted her to do. She has proven to be better with other films, especially after Twilight. Overall, I give the worst actor award in these film to Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob. Watch his other films and it is the exact same thing. Even on his Rotten Tomatoes page, Twilight is his best movie. Think about that...
Now I have a message for everyone who likes these movies: You are okay. Everyone has their own opinions and their own taste in entertainment. Don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong for liking something like Twilight. Enjoy what you want, and dislike what you don't. If you love Twilight and hate The Avengers or The Dark Knight, that is your opinion and you are okay to have it. It is completely human to know what you do and don't like.
Final Verdict: I'm doing this differently, because it is five movies.
Twilight: 5/10
New Moon: 3/10
Eclipse: 4/10
Breaking Dawn Part 1: 2/10
Breaking Dawn Part 2: 5/10
Overall, they are just movies. They came, they left, and to most people of today, they have faded away into history. Personally, I have seen 3 films worst than these in the last 3 years (2013, 2014, and 2015) and I will probably review one of those later to prove my point. In the end, let's just leave them be. They are just movies and need to be seen that way.