Monday, April 10, 2017

An Immature Top 10 for Laughs

Inner Monologue:
Voice 1- What is wrong?
Voice 2- I don't know... I feel drained.
Voice 1- What? You need a sandwich or something.
Voice 2- No, emotionally drained. I have had zero ideas for the blog recently and I haven't been able to see any available movies for viewing and it's been some time since I did a really fun top 10.
Voice 1- What about the Death Battle list you did before.
Voice 2- That took research and a lot of other work to make an even fight. It wasn't as fun as I thought.
Voice 1- Maybe you need to vent out and do something different.
Voice 2- You know... I think I have something...


Yes, it is time to forget adulthood and go back to being a 13 year old boy, first hitting puberty and thinking about women and video games truly showed me a woman's beauty and appreciation.

This is a personal list and one for fun. All these women are from games I have played, so some that would be on your list will not be on mine. Forward all hate mail to (I have no idea if that is a real website). Let's get this list going. One more rule, one character per franchise. Otherwise the franchises in my top 2 would dominate the list in an unfair way. Let's get started. If you laughed, I'm glad. If you were aroused, you may want to get some help...

#10- Chun Li (Street Fighter)-
It was this or Cammy and personally, I like Chun Li's look and design more than Cammy's. Is it the outfit, the body (those thighs), her story, I think it's the hair. The twin bun is kind of cute to me. Not to mention when I was younger I had a thing for Asian chicks and that is also what boosted her onto the list. I am really going on previous Street Fighter game since I haven't played any after Street Fighter IV. I just have one more thing to say... Those Thighs...

#9- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)-
What is that I hear? An angry reader is sending a hate comment for Lara Croft only being number 9 on my list? Yup, because Lara Croft was not a big part of my childhood. I played her games later, and recent games have played down the sex appeal and that is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, she is still a hottie. The outfit and all her poses go to good use. Not to mention her abilities and her figure has always been appealing to someone. Yeah, she's attractive for all the good reasons. I just like others more.

#8- Mai (King of Fighter/ Fatal Fury)-
Wow... I'm just trying to piss people off aren't I. I didn't play any of the good King of Fighters game until later one in life and I only know of the Fatal Fury anime movies thanks to Bennett the Sage. However, I fully understand the appeal and I find her drop dead gorgeous in the King of Fighters games. She is a fighter that uses her body as an advantage... Her entire martial arts style involves seduction. She is a sex symbol... and if I was a target of hers, I would die staring at her chest. Those breast are the breast of legend and video game history.

#7- Cassandra (Soul Calibur)-
I had to pick someone younger, Cassandra has more appeal to me than Ivy, even with Ivy's amazing rack. Cassandra has a more even and better toned body. Not to mention her dance like pose that has full movement. I find her to be the hottest in the franchise. I'm not ashamed. I found and played her when I was younger, she is still my main in the games she's in and I am always using her at least once.

#6- Lydia (Skyrim)-
She is the most loyal companion I have ever had while exploring Skyrim, and the most physically appealing. She has no facepaint, so I can enjoy her lovely face whenever I want, and even in armor, she obviously has a rocking body. She is fit and lean with curves in all the right places. Even parody channels on YouTube recognize this and have made videos about it. It is the one character I wish I could marry in the game, but she stayed by my side to the very end and Dovakiin could not ask for a more loyal and sexy ally.

#5- Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat X)-
Imagine Sonya Blade in her prime and how beautiful she was. Now imagine her daughter. Yup, Cassie Cage is the daughter of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage and lucky for us, she got hr mom's features and her dads humor. She is a fun and spunky gal that got everyone's attention with her charm and even her selfies (if you get that joke, you played the game). She's even a good character in the story mode. That is hard in a fighting game, and she plays a big roll. I'm not spoiling anything. Don't even ask.

#4- Helena (Dead or Alive)-
Forget the unnatural Asian girl with large breast, give me the French woman with the large breast, who shaves. This Blonde haired, blue eyed, business woman is successful in martial arts, running a company, and singing opera. She is the complete package. I am not ashamed to have the hots for her after playing Dead or Alive 3, and I worked hard to understand her move set and play with her in game. I was young and not as good as my brother, but whatever, I still got eye candy. In case anyone is wondering, I have not played any of the Extreme Beach Volleyball games and anyone who has should be ashamed of themselves.

#3- Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda)-
This one is pure Nostalgia, I just don't care. I played Ocarina of Time for the first time when I was 10 years old and it was my goal to see her because my sister got to her and I saw her and she was my first pixel crush... With many more to follow. Yeah, I liked girls before I was supposed to. My parents had zero concern about my sexuality. Then Twilight Princess came out and she is the best she has ever looked in that game. The design is so good, they kept it in all future Super Smash Bros. games and let us all enjoy her appearance. He is the key definition of beautiful princess... Sorry, Peach... not sorry...

This list took awhile because of the struggle between my top 2. I love both these characters and constantly went back and forth between these 2 because of physical attraction and personality. Until this weekend, when I had an experience that cemented my decision.

#2- Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)-
If I didn't make the one character per franchise rule, this would be mostly Final Fantasy, but I have decided on not only my favorite female character in the franchise, but the only character who can pull off multiple outfits of multiple styles. Lightning Returns has you playing dress up with hr and no matter what you put on her, she pulls it off beautifully. Get a woman that can pull off any look. Not only that, I find her loyalty to her loved ones to be hot as well. A loyal woman is the best woman and she proves her loyalty in more ways than one. Just play the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy and see for yourself. Haters gonna Hate.

#1- Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)-
You understand the struggle now? Aqua and Lightning are designed by the same person, they are owned by the same company, they even have similar facial and body features. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Anyways, I think Aqua is the hotter woman for a couple of reasons. 1, she is distinct in her personality and style. It is impossible to mistake her for another character. 2. The things she endures for her friends is hard to imagine for anyone to go through. Go play Birth By Sleep and 2.8 to understand. 3, I'm a little partial to Blue hair over Pink hair. I don't know why, I just think it is hotter. I know she is not everyone's number 1, but she is my number 1. It is my list. Aqua is a beautiful character that goes through so much and still holds on to hope due to her loyalty to her friends and duty, and that is sexy. Aqua is my number 1 for her looks, and her personality. She is the best of both worlds.

What are your favorite hot chicks in video games. For any woman who read this (I'd be shocked) who are your favorite hot guys in video games. Let's make this fair and even for all. See you next time.