Monday, May 5, 2014

Album Review: The Used- Imaginary Enemy

The Used is a band that I have a love/hate relationship with. I either love a song, or hate it from them. In recent years, their material hasn't done anything for me. So, when I heard they released a new album this year, I was skeptical about it. However, I was rather impressed by this one.

The album is unique, compared to previous things they have done. They are pro-love, and anti-everything else. Content wise, that is what it is. It is obviously atheist in some areas and talks bad about America's current standing. If these things bother you, this is not the album for you. However, I have found some songs with not only unique sounds, but is also very symbolic and beautiful to listen to, and some songs have some great heavy sounds that gets you wanting to be in a mosh pit.

I only have one major problem with this album and that is the last two songs. The second to last is not terrible until the end where they ruin it with constant vulgarity. The last song shows to be 14 minutes, 41 seconds, when it is actually about 4 minutes, 7 minutes of silence, and 3 minutes of a confusing song. THAT IS WASTED MEMORY SPACE!! Why would you do that?

In total, I liked more than I dislike on this album. My final verdict is an 8/10. Check it out if you are interested.

Songs I recommend: Cry, Evolution, Generation Throwaway

Songs I didn't like: A Song to Stifle Imperial Progression (A Work in Progress), Overdose

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