Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Top 10 Video Games I like dispite what others have said.

Much like anime, a lot of people don't really ask me about video games as often as some would expect. One thing I believe is a bad thing for video games nowadays is a number rating system. There are games that are high rated and people don't like, or there are games that people do like that isn't a highly game. It doesn't mean people don't like good or they only like bad games.
Games like Superman 64 and ET for Atari are collectively hated because they do have problems, like glitches or have major struggles in controls, but I'm not talking about them. You may even find people who would rather play Call of Duty than Skyrim, and if you criticize these people, you are the problem. This is a list of games that I like even if they were not well critically accepted or rejected by the community. This one will have honorable mentions, but that will take place soon. Let's get started!

#10) The Simpsons: Hit and Run
When it comes to the Simpsons video games, most people talk about the arcade beat 'em up, or the Simpsons: Road Rage (which was a Crazy Taxi knock off), but as soon as this one comes up it is written off as a Grand Theft Auto knock off, but what if that is what I like about it? Overall, the game handles well and the classic Simpson humor is very present in the game instead of the violence and controversial content contained in Grand Theft Auto. I'm not one who plays super realistic games, and Hit and Run does not only give us some good game play and humor, it is kind of a nostalgia rush for the people who watch the Simpsons during the shows glory days. After the show constantly rehashes stories and jokes, making it feel old and boring, this game gives us the entire city of Springfield to explore and enjoy smart humor in dialogue and the things that remind you why the Simpsons used to be such a great shows.

#9) Assassin's Creed 3
This game wasn't said to be bad, but it was rated lower than previous games in the franchise. Yeah, the ending is kind of a disappointment, but I found myself caring more about the Connor story in early America than Desmond's story with the Pieces of Eden. I played it to explore the early colonies and I loved that part of it. Not to mention using more than a hidden blade to kill people. Oddly this game brings out my inner psycho in terms of thinking about ways to kill people... Why did I admit that in writing? Should I worry? No... I don't play it that often anyways. I'm still sane, even if people will question that with my next entry.

#8) Final Fantasy X-2
I'm not going to discuss Final Fantasy X on this list except for one thing; I hated the leveling system. Final Fantasy X-2 has a classic leveling system that feels like a classic Final Fantasy game that I fully enjoy in the older games.Not only that, but I loved the battle system that allowed me to switch classes in the middle of the battle. People who know me know that I love customizing characters and setting things up my way. This game allowed me to do that in a way that I enjoyed in a turn based system. It does have side quest and other things that I do enjoy in gaming that really makes a difference in my opinion and allows you to explore the world even more. The story may have it's issues, but I have never played a game for a story. Game play makes a game, not the story.

#7) Diablo 3
Remember what I just said, game play makes a game, not a story. Yes, this is also not a very good story, but who cares? The previous Diablo games didn't have very good stories either. I'm mentioning this in terms of the console version, instead of the PC version for two reason; I was more comfortable using the controller, and local co-op play. I love playing games with friends. I don't mean playing online with them. Sitting on the same couch, sharing potato chips or popcorn, and talking while enjoying a game together. Diablo 3 for the console gives us that. Not to mention how much you can really customize your character and they also all have their own personalities. It is hated by purest who think Diablo 2 was perfect, but I still really like this game.

#6) Deadpool: The Video Game
For most people, it was a disappointment. For me however, I only wanted one thing out of it... DEADPOOL!!! He is one of the few Marvel characters I actually like, not to mention how much I laughed playing this game. I do admit, that it can get repetitive if you do a marathon of the game, which is why play it in short spurts at a time. The game play is simple and I do enjoy the idea of upgrading the weapons you like. That is really all I have to say about this game.

#5) Star Fox: Adventures
Yes, there are so many jokes about this thanks to JonTron. However, I still oddly find myself enjoying this game. It has some challenging puzzles and it did introduce the Crystal character, who was pretty interesting as a character and got the Furry communities a little excited. Yes, it is very different from all the other Star Fox games, but I kind of enjoyed that part. I liked exploring the planet and being in physical combat instead of air battles. In a time where game companies are too scared to try something different, they took a chance with this one, and I honestly appreciate that. It does have problems, but I find the good triumphs over the bad.

#4) Super Mario Sunshine
Much like Star Fox adventures, they took a chance with this game and I think it paid off . I enjoyed using the water system and cleaning. It was also just eye candy to explore the island and do all the mini games and side quest contained in the over world. Sadly, I wasn't able to finish the game for one reason. My copy is corrupt and I can't even start a new game or progress in the game I have. I need to replace it. Otherwise. I enjoy playing it for the things it did different from other games and the things it did that was similar to previous games. I think it found kind of a middle ground in terms of trying something different, just not as well as the top 3 on my list.

#3) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
This is a spin off series to Final Fantasy. With that in mind, it does not really play like a normal Final Fantasy. It took the more action approach to game play instead of turn based fighting, plus adding the challenge of living in a world that is toxic without a crystal to protect you. Yes, it is a bizarre story, but in the end. I found myself really enjoying the battle system and the exploration as well. It does the icon style of traveling where you pick a direction instead of just going that direction, and the cool thing are the random encounters where you meet more people who reside in this world. It is really cool that they did that you make you feel like you are not the only person on this journey. And did I mention creating a whole caravan. It customization isn't as extensive as other games, but I still had fun with creating 8 people to travel with and using my lead character. It has that purpose of multiple people in a caravan for multiplayer, I just wish you and three friends didn't need a Game Boy Advance and those connectors to the GameCube to use it. I still beat the story mode on single player, which is do-able, despite what others say.

#2) Custom Robo
This is a simple little game with a 3 hour story mode, but that is not why I played this game. I played it for the multiplayer. four friends can go to town and beat the crap out of each other with their own custom robots. You have so many options for weapons that you can really make a robot that is fit to your style and you can customize to battle on any style of map or field. I can remember playing with a friend recently, and we teamed up against CPU players because he was new to the game, and we were laughing and having a blast as we customized our characters and smack talked the CPU. I like this game for the social reasons. I love playing this game with other people, and I love being able to customize and experiment with tons of options. Heck, you could be a Robot Chicken with a flame thrower, and land mines and you would be a threat to other players. Those options are what makes this game so much fun.

Before revealing my number 1, let me talk about some honorable mentions:
HM 1- Kingdom Hearts 2- I love this game! My wife got me into the franchise and I have been a fan of all the games I've played. I am leaving it off the list, because any negative comment can be voided by something that is in the game that they didn't notice. I think people talk crap about it because they just want attention.
HM 2- Dragon Ball Z Sagas- I have some fond memories playing this game with my brother and us completing the story mode together, but I played it later and I was not a fan of it. I nowadays keep it for a bad game night.
HM 3- Shadow The Hedgehog- Yeah, I do have fun with the game in small spurts, but the story structure and other options just felt like it wasn't really worth finished. In the end, I didn't finish the game because I got bored of it after unlocking 3 endings.

Now, the people who know me and follow me on Facebook can pretty much tell that this is an obvious number 1 for me.

#1) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
I love this game. It takes the things I mentioned liking in most of these game and puts them all into one. A simple leveling up system, exploration, customization, side quest, and things I haven't mentioned. I actually liked the story. It is kind of confusing if you avoid side quest that shed a little light on the story. Not to mention, I actually grew to love Lightning as a character. In her dialogue and experience you see some depth and progression to her character that some people must have missed. Instead of customizing one outfit of hers, you customize three and alternate between them in battle. It may sound confusing for an action RPG, but I had a fun time with it because it is actually simple. It takes all the problems that the previous games have and fixed them. Also, the timer thing is really not that bad. If nothing else, It feels realistic. Have you seen someone stay in one spot all day? I haven't. So going to people while they are in an area for a time makes sense. I protested this game when it was announced, and people tried to change my mind about it. When it came out, I saw some things in it I was actually curious about and made me think, "Maybe I should give it a chance." I bought it, played it for 30 minutes, paused, put down the controller, and admitted to myself and my wife, "I like this game." I have beaten it and I am replaying it with the new content unlocked to want to play it more. I'm going to end up doing a video about this game next year, when I have everything set up.

Well, that is it for my updates for the month of December and I think I found this to be a good way to end 2015. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year.

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