Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Movie Review: Van Helsing

It is the month of October! Bring on the Spooky and Scary. Time to let people freak out at what goes bump in the night. Since I have made a point that I don't review R rated movies, I decided to focus solely on Monster movies this month instead of Horror movies. What better way to start than with my biggest Halloween guilty pleasure, 2004's Van Helsing.

This movie was made to be kind of a tribute to the classic monster movies of the 30s and 40s. In fact, if you manage to get your hands on the Special Edition DVD, it came with the original Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Wolfman, all three being fantastic movies. This movie however, didn't fair that well with critics and nowadays has more of a cult following. Could it be that it wasn't based on any classic monster movie? Let's find out.

The Pros- The overall set design can be very appealing in terms of eye candy. Costumes and scenes are very well made and have an overall great design to them. It creates this world of people living in fear and someone who is living to fight against fear. Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale play the two main characters, Van Helsing and Anna Valerious, and they are just a joy to watch during this movie for the most part. The design for the Frankenstein Monster is also very good. You can watch it just for the overall design and tone of the film, since the music is also enjoyable. I actually went through the entire credits watching it again just to have the music play in the background. The ending isn't perfect, but it is complete. You watch it and come out of it feeling fulfilled, like you say all that was intended and none of the sequel baiting we see in cinema today (looking at you, Marvel).

The Cons- There really isn't a lot of story behind this movie. It feels like Director Stephen Sommers went away from the original Monster books and went to the Castlevania games instead for motivation. The story is more fitting for a video game than a movie. Too bad the game that tied into the movie wasn't a good game. I know a graphic novel and an anime movie exist to help explain things in the story, but I haven't seen that movie or read the novel, so I can't say if they are helpful or not. There is some over the top acting in this movie, especially with the Vampire Brides. Where Richard Roxburgh's over acting can sometimes fit the Dracula character, the Vampire Brides are borderline comical and they should be threatening. Though the CGI was impressive for 2004, it hasn't aged well. The CGI scenes look like a game you should be playing on the PS3 or Xbox 360. It is kind of distracting for a movie like this, especially in the final battle which is mostly CGI.

Final Verdict- I admit it isn't a well put together movie, but I still enjoy it. I compare it to eating Trail Mix, or a bowl of Lucky Charms. You don't like everything in it, but when you find that thing you like, it is all you can think about. I know it isn't everyone's Halloween Guilty Pleasure (I'm not reviewing that movie), but I do enjoy it during this time of year.

Next Time: I am going away from Supernatural Monsters and bringing in something Extraterrestrial. Til Next Time.

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