Being positive all the time is exhausting! Time to vent some frustration!
A side quest in a video game can either expand the world and be a fun break from the main story, or it can be a waste of time and you forget about it as soon as you are done. The worst side quest not only feel like a waste of time, but they also break the usual gameplay for something less endearing or enjoyable. Here are my personal top 5 worst side quest in video games.
This is a personal list and these are games I like, even with these side quest. If you don't agree with me, share with me what you think is the worst side quest. Let's get started.
#5- Blitzball (Final Fantasy X)
I love Final Fantasy as a whole. My Youtube channel is dedicated to the franchise for a reason. However, I do acknowledge that they are not all perfect. Final fantasy X in particular has only a couple side quest, and Blitzball feels like one of the biggest time killers. What do you see in the opening cutscene during the tutorial? We see action, a lot of movement, people getting hurt, it looks like Football or Soccer under water. That should be awesome. Instead, we get an over complicated and slow game that feels like it's only purpose was for the developers to try something new. We never saw something like this after X and it is for a good reason. It is the weakest part of an otherwise great game.
#4- Love Letter (Skyrim)
Most people probably have no idea what this side quest is. To put simple, a Nord Bard and a Dark Elf Archer are fighting over a woman and you have a choice to give her a letter and say who wrote it or not... That's it... We also don't really get much of a prize for doing it. The archer isn't that good and I don't even know what the Bard gives you because he is just a prick and he doesn't deserve her. In fact, it is probably best to just ignore them both and marry her yourself... I think I might do that next time. The reason it is so bad is because this is grown men fighting over her and it feels like High School Drama... In a fantasy game... About killing DRAGONS... I don't blame you if you have no idea what this side quest is, because if you are smart, you probably ignored it.
#3- Malo Mart (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
If you asked me what my favorite Zelda game is, it would have to be Ocarina of Time, but Twilight Princess is a close second in my book, because of the combat and great new characters. However, one side quest stopped me from loving it more than I do, and that is the Malo Mart side quest. All you do, is donate Rupees. Nothing else, and they are constantly asking for more and more rupees when ever you go back. I lost track of how much I donated and in the end, all it did was buy a market in the city area and you could now buy magic armor that ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU HAVE RUPEES!!! In the felt, it felt like a waste of time. At least the other side quest were fun... I also just realized Malo should not be able to run a store... He's like 5 years old...
#2- Escort Missions (In General)
I remember playing Fable on the original Xbox, and I did a couple side quest in that game, because an escort mission turned me away from doing any other side quest. It was saving a little boy from some monsters... The boy died in one hit and walked like there was a cinder block tied to his ankle. This is not the first time I have encountered this. Any game can be easily ruined by an escort mission whether it is a side quest or a main quest. I asked my friends before making this list what they thought was the worst side quest and they all mentioned an escort mission in one way or another. I can't think of a single person who has ever said, "Escort missions are the best part of the game." They are not. If someone says that to you, they are lying and want to see you suffer.
#1- The Strip Club (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)
So in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you can buy businesses and do side quest in order for them to provide income for you. sounds fun right? Some of them include advertisement, some of them involve scandal, but one in particular is just awful. Why? Because all you do is spend money... Yup... In order to make money from the strip club, you have to watch a poorly made pixel stripper dance for you and spend money until you spent enough. You could start the mission, walk away from the TV, order a pizza, use the bathroom, and play whatever mobile game you want, and it would not be done. I was a younger kid when I played this side mission (too young to be playing it to be honest) and my friend and I wanted to unlock it and make money off the strip club (because of immaturity), and we thought it would be fun to just watch the dancer... It wasn't and we were both bored because it took ten minutes and we lost more money than we were making... I haven't played any of the Grand Theft Auto games after Vice City, and while I do still play Vice City when I'm in the mood to explore a fictional Miami, I avoid doing this one, because it is boring, does nothing for the story in the long run, and feels like a complete waste of my time.
Side Note: I'm stepping away from music and movies for a short time (Mainly due to boredom) and putting a little focus on Video Games. Not for reasons to be more popular (That is far from the reason and it wouldn't work anyways), but because i want to explore and expand my thinking more.
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