Saturday, April 21, 2018

Movie Review: Deep Blue Sea (1999)

There are many types of horror movies. People watch suspense and thriller movies for atmosphere and buildup, so when the scares happen, they are effective. Slasher movies are used to see not only a darker side of humanity, but can also be seen as a creative ways people can die. There is one sub genre that almost happened on accident, Shark Horror films. Horror films where the monsters in question are sharks.

Jaws wasn’t the first shark horror film, but it was the first one to do it right and be great. Ever since then, we haven’t had a shark movie be nearly successful or the same quality. We have sharks being pulled into Land by tornadoes, ghost sharks, shark octopus hybrid, and that has only come out in the last 10 years. Imagine how many of these movies came out since the 1970. There are so many of these, the Cinemassacre did a list of the top 50 worst shark films list last year… And we have more Shark movies coming out this year or came out this year. That is why I am reviewing a 9 year old movie, Deep Blue Sea. A movie about scientist experimenting on Great White Sharks to find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease in an underwater laboratory and things go wrong. A bad idea? Duh...

With the sequel being released to DVD this year (seriously? 9 years later?) It gave me an idea to look back at the original and find out what went wrong and why it is a horror movie that is unintentionally hilarious being a film that got a major theatrical release and a 60 million dollar budget.

Warning: The movie is rated R for blood and language

Pros: The film has a surprisingly good cast of actors that includes Samuel L. Jackson, Stellan Skarsgard, LL Cool J, and Thomas Jane. Marvel fans will recognize at least two of these names. With what they were given they do a pretty good job creating the characters. You know who they are and are quickly able to recognize each stereotype. This is suppose to be my positive section, isn’t it? The practical effects are also pretty good for a 1999 release. When they use the puppet sharks, they look and feel like real sharks. Even when they use practical effects for blood, it looks like blood and is effective at creating tension. It makes use of camera angles and does it’s best to try to scare you.

Cons: The premise alone proves how much of a bad decision these scientist make in this movie. A lot of the atmosphere actually feels familiar. They tried to cross Alien and Jaws into one movie and the result is neither scary or thrilling. While the actors do their best, the script is not good. It is full of either forced exposition, one liners, and awkward dialogue. The actual death scenes are actually really funny. There is not enough tension to build up to the deaths and when they happen, it switches to CGI that has aged even worse that films that came even 5-10 years before this movie. Not only that but they are shot and done in such a rookie way, it feels like a B-Movie whenever a character dies. There are so many leaps in logic it is actually not surprising that the people others make fun of in this movie are the ones that survive and a character you think makes it, doesn’t. It is always either a surprise death (which isn’t scary) or deaths caused by bad decisions (which is comical). Since every character is a stereotype, it is hard to really care about them. We have the scientists, the engineer, the shark specialist on probation (no one explains his criminal record), the millionaire, and the cook. Those are the major characters. The soundtrack is as generic as you can get. Instead of being unique, it just borrows ideas from Alien, Jaws, and even a little bit of Terminator’s soundtracks.

Final Verdict: Despite how stupid this movie is and how often I found myself laughing at this movie, I kind of recommend it. Instead of Jaws meets Alien, we got Jaws 3 meets Jason X… and it is hysterical. No matter how much the actors tried and how much of a budget went into this, it could not save the concept or the aged CGI. It is the kind of bad movie that has even logic to be smart to its audience and not offend them, but not smart enough to be considered good or original. If you are a shark fan and favor something smarter than Sharknado, but not as smart as Jaws, check this out. Also, one spoiler: The Black Guy survives! How crazy is that?

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Top 5 Favorite Films of 2017

2017 was a bit of a crazy year. Some worldwide craziness mixed with some personal craziness. I haven’t posted much because of all that has happened, but I can say one good thing about last year; We got some great movies!

Usually I share my favorite and least favorite films of the year, but I didn’t see a film I disliked this year. I missed some and ignored other that could have potentially put a bad taste in my mouth. While I don’t have much to look forward to in terms of films in 2018, I’m starting the year on a positive note and share with everyone my top 5 favorite films of 2017. If there is a movie you think should be on this list, I either didn’t see it or I don’t agree with you. Let’s get started!

#5- Star Wars: The Last Jedi-
It may be an imperfect film (like all the Star Wars movies), but it was entertaining and had elements for both adults and children. I enjoyed the deeper look into Kylo Ren and Rei as characters and the resolve with previous characters was also satisfying. It left me satisfied until Episode IX comes out. I was nervous about it after Rogue One (that movie sucks), but The Last Jedi was a step in the right direction and it is my hope that the main storyline ends on a high note and the expanded universe films just end in general.

#4- It-
Yup, I am putting a Horror movie in my top 5. I don’t care if someone gets offended. My biggest issue with most horror movies is the amount of tension; they either have too much or not enough. It has that balance. It had enough tension to keep the scary moments consistent and enough moments of breathing for those scary moments to have the same impact every single time. After the mini series of 1990 for TV, this was a great return to form for Stephen King’s iconic story by focusing on only one element with a sequel coming in 2019… Just please don’t have the same ending. Giant Spiders are not as scary as demon clowns!

#3 Beauty and the Beast-
This caught me off guard… I haven’t like a lot of Disney’s live action films, so a remake of Beauty and the Beast had me sceptical until the day came my wife and I went to see it. From the very beginning I enjoyed it, but found myself loving it more and more as I watched it. It pays homage to the original animated film and adds new elements to not only make it feel fresh again, but also expands the lore and made me love both versions equally. With all other announcements from Disney, it will be awhile until another good Disney Live Action film is released… Seriously? Why Lion King? Is CGI Action a thing yet, but that is what it is going to be. Whatever, at least I have this version to watch and enjoy again and again.

#2- Wonder Woman-
I must confess that I liked both Batman V. Superman and Suicide Squad, even with all the flaws. I’m a DC fanboy, I fully admit it. However, Wonder Woman felt like an apology for how those films turned out. While I haven’t seen Justice League, I have hope that Warner Bros. will let DC comics do there part to tell good stories and have strong action. I loved every moment of Wonder Woman, because it captures the best elements of DC. These heroes don’t fight because they have to, they do it because they want to. They don’t care about personal recognition or fame, they do it because it is the right thing to do. Marvel has mortals being among gods. DC is gods among men. They need to take every note from Wonder Woman and use its structure to make all future films without building up to future films and be there own strong movies. Only one other film has stood stronger for me this year.

#1- Logan-
I did a Facebook Live video about this one, but I was half asleep, mumbling, and just not professional. Logan is my favorite film of the year and my favorite comic book movie for two reasons. 1. This is the best representation of the character in his old age and Hugh Jackman nailed it like he always did. 2. This was a farewell movie to all the old cast of X-Men and I could not be happier about it. I grew up with all the X-Men movies. I even found something to enjoy about the bad ones. After Days of Future Past, I did not expect something better to come from this franchise and then Logan comes along and blows it out of the water in all the best ways. I don’t care that it is an R rated movie. It did everything right in terms of an X-Men movie and I have a heartfelt “Thank You” to Hugh Jackman for bringing this character to the big screen. I know he would likely never read this (I’m just some random guy with a blog), but I have a message for him, and all the original cast of X-Men and everyone involved. The X-Men movies are the only films that strengthened my childhood. Now that I am an adult, these movies have grown up with me. Logan is that final farewell to my childhood and embrace my adulthood. That is what Logan means to me. See it whenever you get the chance, whether edited on TV or on DVD/Blu-Ray. It will not disappoint.

That ended on a somber note! So what were some of your favorite films of 2017. Let me know in the comments or on social media. Here's to 2018 having lackluster movies, great albums coming out, and some long awaited video games finally hitting shelves