Thursday, November 16, 2017

Anime Review: Berserk (2016)

I like older anime compared to modern anime. Not that the new stuff is bad (some of it is really good), but the series and movies from the 90s and early 2000s have always stood out to me since that was what I grew up watching. I would sit down and watch Toonami after a day at school and watch series like Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi, Outlaw Star, and even stay up late and watch Trigun and Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim. You know, a time before you could stream whatever anime you want and before Crunchyroll, Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu. It was that mentality that got me curious to see 1997’s Berserk and I loved it.

However, I have decided to not talk about that for two reasons. One, I encourage you to watch it and form your own opinion without my input. Two, Bennett the Sage has already talked about it and he does a great job sharing what is good about it. Here is the Link- . Which is why I chose to talk about the sequel that came out in 2016… Almost 20 years after the original series.

Berserk didn’t gain a big following when it originally came out, but then it developed a cult following years later, so Universal and Funimation decided to team up and localize a trilogy of films to abridge the original series (don’t bother, they suck), and release a new series and continue the story where the original ended and pick up on where the manga continued (and still continues to this day).

The new series had potential to be one of the best anime for the modern era… Instead… Let me explain. Also, I am focusing on the English Dub, so this is based on season 1 and I know future seasons are in the plans to come out.

Pros- It has some of the best voice acting I have heard. The cast does a great job portraying the characters and they fit better than I could have possibly imagined. I found myself caring about the characters, like I did when reading the manga. That is the best thing about this anime. It has one of my favorite opening credit scenes in anime right now. It pumps you up for what you are about to see and gives you a brief history of past events, so you have an understanding of the weight the main character is going through. I need to talk about the main character, Guts. This is one of the manliest characters in anime history. His appearance is very masculine, and he wields a sword that is as big as he is and it’s very size makes people fear him. He is the best part about this story in every format you are able to see it in.

Cons- The animation is inconsistent. They switch between hand drawn animation and CGI, and while CGI does not bother me in anime, but when it switches between the two at random moments in time (sometimes the characters are just talking and they use CGI and some of the action is done in hand drawn animation) it can cause visual whiplash and confusion. Note this any creator of media: PICK A VISUAL STYLE AND STICK WITH IT. They also tried using the same art style as the manga and while that itself is not a bad thing, the chibi and sometimes cartoonish look of only two characters can really be distracting, because it is only the two characters that make such faces. The pacing is all over the place. They explain what doesn’t need to be explained and leave out details that should be in the story. Also, I need to mention one more thing that hurts the experience. The manga has a lot of nudity (Game of Thrones levels) and the anime decides instead of allowing the R rating to happen to make all the character look like Barbie Dolls when naked. No reproductive organs or nipples are present. I know someone may think, “That can’t be so bad.” The anime takes place in a dark and very serious world and at moments that should be emotional and engaging, all you can think is, “where are her nipples?” The manga has it, the original series was able to avoid it, but if you are going to have explicit content, MAKE IT EXPLICIT CONTENT!

Final Verdict- This was the first time I was truly disappointed in an anime. While the action scenes are fun and the characters are enjoyable in some cases (always when it comes to Guts), I can’t help but feel like all the problems are distracting from the good to stop you from truly enjoying it. So in conclusion, Watch the 1997 original, read the manga, if sex and violence don’t bother you (seriously, Game of Thrones levels of sex and violence), and ignore all modern iterations of this incredible story.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Anime Review: Those Who Hunt Elves

Comedy is a tricky thing. People have different perspectives on what is funny, the genre itself is hard to judge or rate. You may find the dialogue of Monty Python funny, but the slapstick immature. You may even enjoy the immaturity and unscripted nature of Jackass, or find it to be unfunny and juvenile. Now, imagine the struggle with Comedy Anime. Not only is it a cultural separation, but it is also harder to catch the concept of humor. What is funny in Japan is not funny in America for the most part. Anime like Love Hina and Girl’s Bravo are just not funny in English, because it doesn’t translate well. Not to say Anime can’t be funny when they come into the States. Excel Saga, Dragon Ball, and even Pokemon had great moments in Comedy that are well remembered and people still laugh at them. Which brings us to what may be one of the funniest Anime I have seen, Those Who Hunt Elves. Last time, we went to 2007 for an anime, this time we are going back to 1997; 20 years ago. This came out at a time, we got so much anime, a bunch was overlooked. This is one of the overlooked anime, and it had 2 seasons.

If you are not familiar with this, the title may confuse you. Those Who Hunt Elves is not about people who kill Elves in a fantasy world; it is about people who strip the clothes off female elves. Let me explain. The story is, a group of three people from Japan get pulled into a Fantasy world and an elf tries to use a spell to send them back, something goes wrong and the spell leaves the book and implants itself as fragments onto different female elves around the world. So, they three characters, the elf that attempted the spell in the first place, and a tank that is later possessed by the spirit of a cat (you did not read that wrong) go out into the world in search of the spell fragments and get the title, Those Who Hunt Elves, from the citizens.

I actually found this anime as a young teenager. A friend of mine had episodes 5-8 on VHS tapes in the original Japanese audio, and we both laughed at it every time we watched it, without knowing everything that was going on. Fast forward to the present day and I find it not only on a reliable streaming source, but in the English Dub. So, after over ten years of wondering if it really was as funny as I remembered, I rewatched it and was not disappointed.

Pros- The characters are all unique; we have the Elf, the Muscle Head man, the actress, and the female weapons expert. With a small cast, it is do-able and their individual relationships are also done really well. The humor translates really well and even manages to be funny in both the Japanese Audio and the English Dub. I laughed during both of them. That is a pretty rare thing, so I can recommend both forms of audio. The episode specific characters are also interesting and there is still a level of investment even when we see them in one episode. With the concept, this could have easily been an R rated, fan service show, but it is actually very tame in comparison to others. We don’t see any full nudity and even when the elves are naked, we don’t see anything provocative or sleazy. It comes off as funny; the way it was intended to be. You would also think the main characters are also not likeable due to what they do, but actually the opposite happens. They not only make it clear that they don’t enjoy it, but they do good in areas of the world when they see a dilemma. They do the right thing before rushing to strip the clothes off of elves. Sometimes an elf does it voluntarily because of how they helped out. You want to see the characters succeed and get back to Japan with how they talk about it. The ending to the first season will make you laugh out loud. The humor is well set up and works in all languages. Physical humor is well done with the concept and it has some great laugh out loud moments.

Cons- The animation has not aged it. You can tell it was made on a budget, and while it’s not as bad as others, it definitely looks like a 90s anime. Same thing with the voice acting. Since it is a low budget anime, it was localizing was done in the early days of ADV, so we got no name voice actors and people who were new to voice acting at the time. It’s not incompetent nor is it as bad as other voice acting from the 90s, but it is another element that shows it's age. While Season 1 had a funny and well done ending, season 2 feels kind of abrupt and sudden. It isn’t as well set up and it left a little to be desired. As far as I know, we did not get a 3rd season, so this was the ending we got. It was still funny, but not as fulfilling as a series finale should have been. For anyone that is looking for a fun opening or closing, you are not going to find it in this anime. They are not interesting or grab your attention as well as other do, but it is just a nitpick. If you don’t care about that, then it won’t bother you.

Final Thoughts- If you find older anime to be a bit more your taste, compared to newer anime, this is one I recommend. It is funny in all the right areas, and it handles the concept in the best way, by being more funny and less sexy. This could have been bad, but it is fun to watch and a joy from start to finish. If you are picky about English Dubs, watch it with the Japanese Audio and the subtitles on. If not, you can find joy in watching either version.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Anime Review: Romeo X Juliet

Anime is tricky. Not only does the medium have a long history, but it's own variety of genres. With all that is available (and missing out on October for personal reasons) I have decided to turn the month of November into Otaku Month. I will be looking at anime from different decades and a movie before the month is over. Now to start with an anime from the year 2007, Romeo x Juliet.

This is an interesting anime, because it isn't from a Japanese story, but is an adaptation of Shakespeare's tragety, Romeo and Juliet. Unlike other adaptations that use all the dialogue from the famous play, this anime creates it's own world and takes an original approach to the story.

Pros- It borrows elements from other of Shakespeare's plays to create something not only unique, but also familiar. It creates a world with a great flow and elements that are helpful in making this version feel fresh and original. The action and animation is well done. It feels more western than a typical anime and even the opening song is a Japanese cover of "You Raise Me Up" made famous by Josh Groban. Believe it or not, it fits well and establishes the mood of the anime. Most of the characters are well written and even William Shakespeare has a character in the series and he is more than a fun Easter egg. He is a key character and plays a big role towards the end of the series. They do make Romeo and Juliet individual characters and even show more development as a couple, while also making them older than in the original play to add a level of believability to the world. Instead of it taking place in a typical European country, the creators instead go in a different direction and create Fantasy world with dragon horses and a structure that plays a large role by the end of it all. If you have seen or read the original play in one way or another, you know how it ends, but it is done in a way that is refreshing and you feel satisfied by it. Resolves are made and nothing is ignored. Funimation provides the localization and English Dub for the anime and they go in the poetic route to feel more like one of Shakespeare's plays. It is refreshing, because it is kind of a rare thing for an anime dub to be like that.

Cons- Romeo's father is the only character that is not well done in the localization. He is a villain with a rather weak motivation for his actions and by the end, he comes off as more of a bad joke when the real threat arrives at the end of it. While the Dub is beautiful at times, it can also feel awkward at times... Like a Shakespeare play (he wasn't perfect. Accept that). Also, not every character is well cast in the dub either. Some voices are odd with some of the minor characters in a couple episodes. It's not awful, but it can be distracting.

Final Verdict- Despite the flaws it has, I do recommend it for anyone new to Anime. It has enough Western elements to feel familiar and is a great overall story. I do recommend the dub, since it fits the world better, but you can really go either way. It is a good adaptation and it had my attention for all 24 episodes. Check it out if you are a fan of Shakespeare's work, or just want a good story to enjoy.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Movie Review: Ed Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show

One of the silliest arguments I have seen is animation versus live action. Both have pros and cons by themselves, but the way I see it, it all depends on genre. Both can be strong in storytelling and visuals, but Life Action can give a feeling of reality and Animation can throw reality out the window and make the visuals not only crazy, but also illogical. You will see someone running through a wall in a cartoon and find it funny, but it doesn't have the same effect in Live Action. All it does is raise eyebrows and question it. Physical humor can be more extreme in animation and can be even more dramatic and even more comical. That is where one of my favorite cartoons, Ed Edd n' Eddy, stands out the most. The physical humor not only is crazy and illogical (some of what these kids go through would be deadly in real life), but it also features fun characters and humor that is more than just physical, so it can be enjoyed for anyone looking for a laugh.

The show stayed around TV from 1999 to the movie that ended the series in 2009. A movie that aired on TV before it's DVD release, but it can be found on YouTube since the show is over and the creator doesn't seem to care too much. I decided to take some time to talk about the movie because after how serious my last movie was, I needed a good laugh.

Pros- The setup is simple and quickly explains what is going on early in the movie. The Eds try to scam the other children of the cul-de-sac again and it goes so wrong they end up running for their lives away from the cul-de-sac and seek out Eddy's brother for help while the other children go after them. It doesn't tell this to use, it actually starts by showing us the after effect of what happened. Starting it with enough tension to grab your attention, but not enough to break from the humor and make it feel like whiplash. The voice cast of the show is in the movie and all the major characters are present, so we get to see everyone and even see the character flaws and make them feel like people. That is pretty hard for some animated shows. We also finally get a pay off from what was the biggest build up of the show; we meet Eddy's Brother. The result is a pay off that ends on a high note; resolves are made, lessons are learned, and it ends with full acceptance. The animation is flawless for this movie. The characters move like they should and the slapstick is top notch. I find myself laughing at it every time someone runs into something or they get hit. Also, the dialogue is also funny. Ed has some of the funniest lines with what is going on. He is just as random and creative as he is in the show. Keep in mind, these are kids, not adults, and the movie makes sure you know this. Ed and Eddy have their immature fun while traveling and even roping Edd like in the show and the interactions are fun and they end up bonding even more so after the movie is over. References and even breaks in the forth wall are present throughout, but not enough to be distracting or annoying. It is well timed to make everything work and fit.

Cons- The only real issue with the film is how much of a coincidence everything feels in terms of story telling. They just run into things and get lucky. If they ever show them as adults in Vegas, they would drain the city dry with how lucky they are. That isn't the focus and it isn't a distraction upon first view, but later watches it is more obvious. If you don't like the show's humor and animation, this movie isn't for you. It doesn't offer a lot of differences from the show when it comes to humor, so it is hard to recommend to people to don't like the show.

Final Thoughts- If you love the show, you will love the movie. If you don't, this isn't for you. If you have never seen the show (where were you for 10 years?), I would say to watch some of the show to understand the characters, then watch the movie. I love it, but I also love the show. It aimed for it's audience and hit a bull's eye.

(photo taken from IMDB)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Movie Review: Death Note (2017)

Something people have been forgetting recently is that there is a difference between White Washing in movies, and Cultural Adaptation. White Washing is casting a white actor to play a character of another race (Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Last Airbender are the best example of that), while Cultural Adaptation is rewriting a story to aim at an audience and look at the source in the eyes of a culture that does is not in the source material. Magnificent Seven from 1960 is a Westernized remake of 1957's Seven Samurai, a Japanese movie, and Throne of Blood from 1957 is a Japanese adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, and it is my favorite version of the play.
Why do I explain this? Because when Netflix picked up the contract to make a Westernized Adaptation of Death Note, the anime community got their panties in a bunch and claimed White Washing and it isn't. Instead of taken place in Japan, like the manga/anime, this adaptation takes place in Seattle, Washington and they had to do some rewrites to both story and characters to fit the movie format. If they didn't, it would have been a rushed and poorly plotted mess, like the Japanese Death Note movie... YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT!!!

As a fan of the anime, I would be willing to nitpick and tear it apart for being so different from the source material, but I took some time to think about it and watch it a second time to put the bias aside and look at it for what it is.

Minor Spoiler Warning.

Warning: I'm breaking my "No rated R" rule to review this movie, because it needs to be talked about. The movie contains foul language and gore. Treat it like the source material and it is only for Mature Audience.

The Pros- It is actually well acted. I'm serious. The actors fit all the written characters for the movie and do the best they can with the script given to them. The best actors are Nat Wolff as Light Turner (not Light Yagami) and William Dafoe as Ryuk. Both of which steal the scenes they are in and when they interact, it is fantastic. I know one thing people will complain is the change in characters, I will argue that the way they are written fits this format and it works with what the movie is trying to do. It gives us a 'What If' scenerio. Light isn't someone sick of the world as an outsider, he's a victim of the world he lives in and wants to change it. Simple as that. Also, they cut out most of the characters in the manga/anime for a smaller cast and that is the best thing they could do with a movie format. It gives more focus to the characters we got. Director Adam Wingard's touch also helps in adding tension to the film. His camera work and the scenes he uses work well and it helps you feel what you need to in scenes. Ryuk's introduction is terrifying, and the realization of it all being real is also well fitting for the right emotion. That is how it's supposed to work. The character chemistry between Light and his Father is a focus of the movie and it does work out well. You see how the relationship works in the early scenes and the interactions between them are always good.

The Cons- This film's plot is not well paced. Not as bad as Batman V. Superman, but still at a point where it can be confusing. I'm going to go ahead and say that right now. Relationships are rushed for the sake of the tense sense. It becomes more clear in the second half of the movie and if you watch it, you will understand. Some moments of facts are ignored for the sake of the plot (Kira does not translate to Light in Russian or Celtic, I checked, movie!). The film also has too much tension. A good Horror/Thriller movie gives us pockets to breathe and relax a moment before the tense scenes happen. This movie is tense from start to finish. Do not watch this before going to bed, you will not sleep well (I speak from experience). When I first watched this movie, I felt almost out of breath. While the actors are all good, not all the written dialogue is. It's not laughably bad, like Dragonball Evolution, it's mostly just a 'huh' moment. The one character that suffered from westernizing is L. He is the same character we love in the first half, but the second half he falls apart and no longer feels like the genius detective. It does fit the story and what he ends up going through, but it feels kind of cheaply put in to just have a chase scene between Light and L.

Final Thoughts- Looking at it based on the source material (like the anime community) it's awful, but from the perspective of it being it's own movie, I kind of liked it. I have struggled between those two sides all weekend to come up with a clear thoughts towards the movie. It isn't something special or will last forever, but it is entertaining. If you are curious, go ahead and see it. If you have never seen the anime, you may find yourself enjoying it. If you are a fan of the anime, remember this is a Westernized Adaptation and they had to change A LOT to fit the format. At least, I liked it more than the Japanese Live Action movie... And I look forward to pissing off more of the anime community in the future.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Special Announcement!

So, remember how I was promising to go through all the Dragon Ball Z movies... I've decided to go a different direction. I've been unable to get the rest of the movies on a good source and tracking down physical copies is going to be a pain. So, I've decided to end my run of Dragon Ball Z movies for one other reason. There are other movies that are coming out the rest of the year either on DVD/ Blu-Ray or Netflix. With that in mind, I want to expand and do those too. My biggest fear as of recent is being known for only Dragon Ball Z and I don't want to do that. However, I will make one solid promise to all who read this blog. If I am able to get my hands on a physical copy of Dragonball Evolution, I will rewatch it and do a full, uncensored review of it. If you want me to destroy it, I will, but I need help. Let me know if you find a copy for cheap or would like to donate a copy. I will look forward to destroy what is perhaps one of the worse movies I have ever seen.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Movie Review: Dragon Ball Z: Tree Of Might (Spoiler Warning)

I know... I know... I'm a week late. Give me a break. I had a rough week.

Dragon Ball Z is complicated. There are some great moments that leave an impact and are well remembered and then their are moments that can be downright stupid. It is a usual with all long running anime. You remember when Cell made his first appearance because of the terror and build up, but the Garlic Jr. filler season is forgotten because of how ridiculous it was and treated itself. Seriously, Krillin's ex-girlfriend is the only memorable thing in that season. Why do I mention this with Tree Of Might? Because it also has both good and memorable moments, and moments that are downright stupid. It's not as bad as the Garlic Jr. filler season in the series, but it's not as good as the Cell season either.

Released in Japan in 1990, same year as World's Strongest, Tree of Might does a lot of good things with it's premise, but it also falters in many other areas too. Again, I am reviewing the Funimation dubbed version we got in 2006.

The Pros- Unlike the first two Dragon Ball Z movies, this one has all of the Z fighters that crossed over from Dragon Ball; Tien, Krillin, Chaozu, Piccolo, and everyone's favorite punching bag, Yamcha (seriously, he is always the first one down for the count). The action scenes are well down and we get to see what the fighters can do. The Tree of Might itself and the main villain Turles are both great in this movie and they do serve the purpose of being a great threat. You see the Tree of Might destroying the Earth from the inside and it gives a feeling of real terror that is taking place. Turles also makes short work of Piccolo before he even eats the fruit of the Tree of Might. Turles Being in this movie present something that even the later series and movies explore; the potential of more Saiyans in the universe. Dragon Ball Super (I'm not over that title!) explores this as well and so does future movies that I will get to. Turles was the first we see, since he doesn't seem to have ties to Frieza and he does not mentioned Vegeta (he's not in the movies, yet). It is something I'm glad was explored and I will share my thoughts on it more in the future.

The Cons- Outside of the designs of Turles' minions, they aren't memorable at all. They have no personality, no characteristic, and they don't present a threat (even after beating all the other Z Fighters). All five of them fight Goku by himself and he wipes the floor with them. You can always ask one question during the opening scene of the movie; Why don't they investigate what started the forest fighter at the beginning of the movie. Instead of investigating that and preventing the Tree of Might from happening, they instead collect Dragon Balls to restore the forest... Except the crater that the small drone created. Okay... Goku is the only one that does any kind of damage to the villains of the movie. The other characters should not be this weak. Unless all the villains are as strong as Nappa. Otherwise, it feels all these characters are wasted, especially Yamcha! He goes down first!Did Akira Toryama not like Yamcha after Dragon Ball? The ending feels like a total Deus Ex Machina. Goku focuses on the energy from the fruit of the Tree of Might and uses it to blast Turles and the tree out of existence. Was it a special type of Spirit Bomb or what was it?

Final Thoughts- I don't want to sound like I don't like this movie, because I like a lot of elements contained in this movie, but it has a lot that isn't remembered. It is good for the fans, but it isn't what I would show someone who is curious about the serious.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Movie Review: Dragon Ball Z: The Worlds Strongest (Spoilers)

There was one thing I left out of my review of Dead Zone, Garlic Jr. loved talking. He went into monologues about how evil he was and how he would cover the world with evil. I say this now because it helps see the difference between Dead Zone, and this weeks movie, The World's Strongest. Released in Japan in 1990, we got the Funimation uncut English release the same year as Dead Zone and next week's movie, Tree of Might. Out of the original trilogy of Dragon Ball Z movies, This one is my favorite because it highlights all the good things about the early days of Dragon Ball Z without being an official part of the TV series. I'm not the only one in that opinion either, Team Four Star (the guys behind Dragon Ball Z abridged) rated this as the second best movie in the entire series. I'll get to their number 1 later down the line and everyone is already predicting what that is, or they are looking it up right now. Spoiler Alert.

The Pros- Since it doesn't fall into any specific timeline in the series, it is able to be it's own story and it does really well with that. It is a complete story with little to no plot holes. Tension and Atmosphere is fantastic throughout the film. You feel the risk that the characters are facing and it is beautifully designed for an anime film released over 25 years ago. The villains are much better this time around. When Goku encounters them, the henchmen (called Bio-Warriors) have very little dialogue and their presence alone with Goku's reaction paint the picture of how strong they are. It is a welcome compared the last film where they just talked about how strong they were. Doctor Wheelo and Doctor Kochin also work well as villains too. Kochin serves as the main talker in the movie and none of the dialogue is wasted. He does explain how he and Wheelo were heads of Bio-Engineering and altering DNA to create Bio-Warriors and society shunned them for it 50 years ago for it and they returned for revenge. Even hearing their story about what they did to one of the universities that ridiculed them helps paint the picture of how much of a threat they are. This is also one of the only times we see Master Roshi fight seriously in Dragon Ball Z. While he had a bigger role in Dragon Ball, he is pushed back to being more of a minor character the longer Dragon Ball Z ran, so it is nice to see him fighting this time around. The fight animations are much better than they were in Dead Zone and it is more reminiscent of the action Dragon Ball fans know and love.

The Cons- I really only have one problem with the movie. None of the other characters who show up to help Goku do very little to help in the fights that take place in the series. Gohan provides the Power Poll and we get another hint at his hidden power, but it doesn't do much after it happens. This story focused more on Goku and while it isn't a bad thing, it makes Krillin and Piccolo feel less important and not needed in the movie, but they are fun to watch regardless.

Final Thoughts- This would be one of the movies I would recommend to anyone that is new to anime and not sure where to start. This was also the movie that got me into Dragon Ball Z. I seriously recommend this move more than any other film from the early days of the series. It is fun, exciting, tense, and overall a joy to see.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Movie Review: Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone (Spoiler Warning)

It has been awhile since I have mentioned Anime on my blog, haven't I? Like movies, video games, and music, anime also has many genres, styles, and people have there own personal preferences. There are some anime that helped to get people into it, like Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Astro Boy, Speed Racer, but the biggest and perhaps most relevant (even to this day) is Dragon Ball Z. While it is technically a sequel to the original Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z went into a different direction and became it's own entity and it's own franchise all together. It was the action show young boys clung to and it lasted for many years and with the sequel series running now, Dragon Ball Super (really? That is what they called it?), people still go back and remember Dragon Ball Z fondly. So I am going to take the time and review one Dragon Ball Z movie per week, because talking about the series will lead to debate and war on it's own. Let's start with the first movie, Dead Zone.

Released in Japan in 1989, we didn't get it in America until 1997 with Pioneer doing the dub, then getting the Uncut version in 2005 with the Funimation dub. This movie takes place before the Saiyan saga and the original anime series. So, this fits between Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z with Goku and Piccolo still being rivals and Gohan being 4 years old. This is the early days of the series, so a lot of the favorite characters and powers are not here, but I am putting in a spoiler warning right now. If you haven't seen it, where have you been for the last twenty years?

The Pros- The action is that of the classic series. It is fun to watch, but simple. I enjoy that in older anime. While newer anime is super flashy in the action, it is nice to go back and watch a classic action anime and see the simplicity. It may not have all the characters, but it does have the big three that helped make the entire series; Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan. The early days of the series and the Saiyan Saga did focus on these three the most, and putting them in this movie as the focus was the best they could have done with this movie. I did watch the Funimation Dub and the voice acting is actually good. They fit the characters and you get that idea really well especially when Goku and Piccolo are talking to each other during the fit. You still feel the tension between them and that is thanks to the voice actors. The movie's voice actors do have a good look to them and they feel like they really would fit in the series, by how they look. I mean they did bring back Garlic Jr. for a filler season between the Frieza Saga and the Android Saga, so someone in development like him. Since it is the uncut version, we do get more that was cut from the Pioneer version we originally got and fills in a couple plot holes as well, making the uncut version feel more like a complete story and it is the better version overall.

The Cons- The villains may look cool, but they aren't interesting outside of that. The three henchmen are all stupid (they really lack intelligence) and Garlic Jr's only motive is... He's just evil. We get some things about his father, but it doesn't justify it at all. He's just evil. While the dub is well voice acted, it also feels edited at the same time. Partly because they don't say certain things on purpose. For example, Gohan eats a fermented fruit and instead of saying it's fermented, the villain just says, "It'll make you weird." Not the best way to put that. It can feel unnatural at times and those moments can be distracting. I'm going to be blunt, the same scene where Gohan (4 years old) eats a fermented fruit and it leads to the most pointed scene I have ever seen in all of the Dragon Ball Z movies. It doesn't serve any purpose other than the joke that, the kid is drunk. Do the Japanese really find something like that funny? The movie actually doesn't have much action in it. It is pretty slow in that regard. It has a fight at the beginning and on big scene at the end. Other films can have this problem, but this is one of the slowest ones. It is only 50 minutes long, and it feels like it drags itself... Kind of like the entire series (Prove me wrong).

Final Thoughts: This isn't the best Dragon Ball Z movie, but it isn't the worst either. It is kind of a fair way to introduce people to the series because it has the same good and bad things in the Dragon Ball Z series, and it is before things started getting over the top and crazy with all the characters and the action, so it is a good introduction. If you are younger, you would probably enjoy it more even with the dub. Any die hard anime fan would probably recommend watching it with the subtitles, but I will leave that to the person and not on recommendations. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out, but know that it is technically a prequel to the show.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Top 10 Song from Artist I Don't Like

Have you ever heard a song that just stood out in a positive way, only to discover that the artist behind it has done songs you didn't like before. That is what this list is for. Keep in mind, this is my opinion. If an artist you like is on this list, don't get offended. It won't change my opinion and it will only ruin your day. Also, these songs were released as hits, so no fan favorite unknown song from the album, I don't own an album from any of these artist. I am also adding links to YouTube for anyone curious to listen to them. With that out of the way, lets dive in with something a bit more obvious.

#10- Savages by Theory of a Deadman-
   Theory of a Deadman is a poor man's Nickelback... Which is a poor man's Rock music. I will give Theory of a Deadman one thing, at least they made a song I legitimately like. Savages feels less like Nickelback and more like Godsmack. I don't know if it is the haunting guitar work, the guitar solo, or the fact that Alice Cooper contributes to this song. Lyrically, it is nothing special, but the tone sets up a mood for adrenaline, aggression, and hints at a good time. While the rest of the songs feel like something a drunk guy would sing at a karaoke night, Savages feels like a song that should be enjoyed at a Rock concert.

#9- Ghost of Beverly Drive by Death Cab for Cutie-
   I have never been a fan of Death Cab for Cutie. I have found the mellow feeling and acoustic work they are known for to be boring. People have tried to get me to like them, but failed. Until Ghost of Beverly Drive came out. I did not believe they were the ones behind this song when I heard it. I thought it was a new Pop Punk band or an Indie singer. This the smart use of being mellow, but also being interesting with the electric guitar instead of acoustic and a very effective drum rhythm backing the whole thing up. It is not lyrically different from Death Cab for Cutie's other work, but I can relate to it a little more since it goes into always going back on your mistakes. It is a song I didn't think could exist, but happy it does.

#8- Rollin' by Limp Bizkit-
  The early 2000s were not the best times for Metal. While we did get Korn and Papa Roach, we also got the Limp Bizkit and it is really the only time they could have been popular. They were vulgar, over the top, and more violent then they should've been. They did a reunion tour, but that is all I have heard. However, this song was fun when you found the edited version (which is the version I am sharing) and the riff work is actually good. Not to mention, it is the only song that showed the band did have potential to do more than they did. It is a song to just move along and not get in a fight... At least not with Limp Bizkit... Wow! Who taught Fred Durst how to spell? ... Moving on...

#7- Where Is the Love by The Black Eyed Peas-
  Good Grief! The Black Eyed Peas were just awful, weren't they? Well, almost the worst, but still glad they are gone. This song does still have a level of relevance. It is not the strongest in terms of a tune, but I feel it was made to focus on the lyrics. It is a song about love, and shows how all sides are guilty of that. Why is that bad? It isn't, but we do ignore it at times. Before getting any more potential, Justin Timberlake saves the song like Alice Cooper saved Savages. His chorus for the song helps it stand out and it hasn't been forgotten since I have first heard it in my younger years.

#6- Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie-
  Speaking of The Black Eyed Peas, Will.I.Am has had an awful solo career and Fergie has been almost just as bad. Fergie is basically the Michael Bay of music, she only had one strong song and even my Rock and Metal buddies agree, Big Girls Don't Cry is a beautiful song. If this was the first song I have heard from Fergie, I would think she was a genius, then instantly regret it after hearing the rest of her uninspiring garbage. The song mostly highlights how hard it is to break off a relationship, from the perspective of the person breaking off the relationship, not the person with the broken heart. HOW MANY SONGS DO THAT? Not a lot, at least not at the emotion Fergie gives us. Seriously, I wanted more of this from Fergie, NOT FERGALICIOUS!!!

#5- Sound of Madness by Shinedown-
  Shinedown is kind o heartbreaking for me to talk about. When I first heard them, I liked them. Then I heard more and more and liked less and less. Nowadays I view them as a one trick pony, except the Sound of Madness album. During that time, they had a lead guitarist that was very heavy on blues playing and adding that style to a heavy tone is what made the entire album stand out, but Sound of Madness (the title song) is the best song on the album, hands down. Imagine if Metallica did a song with Eric Clapton, that is Sound of Madness. This creates a very dark tone and smart us atmosphere around it, making it a great song for either stress relief or working out. Not to mention the guitar work and riff. I learned it on guitar and it does get people excited when they hear it.

My top 4 are not songs I like more than the rest of the songs listed, some I may like less. I did the order based on the quality of the songs, and my opinion of the artist in question. With that in mind, my top 4 are all going to hurt to admit.

#4 Style by Taylor Swift-
  5 years ago, I made a list of least favorite artist of all time and Taylor Swift was number 1 on that list. I found her whiny, annoying, and repetitive. Since then, other artist have come out that proved me wrong and it could be worse, because Taylor Swift released Style. Style is a song about just looking about a cute couple. Taylor Swift went from a girl crying about heartbreak to just enjoying the good moments and looking nice with your significant other. People tried to tell me she matured when she went to Pop music, but I didn't believe it until Style came out. I would endure We are Never Getting Back Together, Mean, Love Story, and Bad Blood again if she released another song with the level of maturity she showed with Style.

#3- Closer by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey-
  I am not and EDM fan. If you have told me the guys behind #Selfie was still making music and popular, I would have laughed and punched you in the throat for telling such a lie. While songs like #Selfie and Don't Let Me Down are lifeless, they did release Roses and Paris which are both okay... But I can't help but love Closer. I have no idea why! Lyrically, it is over complicated and the music behind it is boring. Not to mention I am not a fan of Halsey and the member of The Chainsmokers can't sing at all. The message is one thing I was attracted to though. It is a song about enjoying the moment. Don't think about the future too hard, enjoy where you are now. Don't focus on getting older. It is a song that shouldn't work, but does. I did share the lyric video, because it is better. Trust me.

#2- Best Song Ever by One Direction-
  One Direction was not the New British Wave we needed. They were uninspiring and boring over all. I am happy they are breaking up, but by the end of it all, I couldn't help but hope someone other than Zayn tries a solo work or does more in music, because this song was good for all the best reasons. It is telling a story about a specific event, it has great music for dancing, and it was vague in all the right areas. I am even having a hard time writing while listening to it because I want to start dancing. It was a toss up between this and Perfect, but Perfect is basically their version of Style and I like it less than this one.

#1- The Feeling by Justin Bieber feat. Halsey-
  I NEVER wanted to like a Justin Bieber song! From his beginning with Baby to the current day, he has only shown how much of an immature little $#!* he is. So, why is The Feeling such a mature song? Did he writes this? Someone tell me he didn't write this! It wasn't as big as his other songs on the album he produced, but this is the best song he has ever released. Hello again, Halsey, and welcome back to a song I didn't want to like, but do. This is a song about the internal debate on whether you love a person, or just love being with someone. The same kid that release Sorry and What Do You Mean the same year, released this. This song ask the question we all need to ask when a relation is in trouble and needs to be evaluated. It is a depressing tune with the song ,but it fits the message. Asking yourself that question is hard and puts you in a tough situation, I speak from experience. I didn't think I would ever like a song from an unlikable source, but I was surprised and I do enjoy it... Sorry...

More Top 10s to come. If you have any suggestion, let me know.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Movie Review: Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

It is no secret I love the Final Fantasy franchise. Heck, I am one of the founders of a YouTube channel called, Final Fantasy Fanatics!
 Here is the link:

Which is why I put this movie off for so long. I watched it three times in order to get a full understanding of it and even watched special features on the Blu-Ray. I haven't done that for any other movie I have reviewed. Why did I do that? Because I wanted to back myself when I say, ignore Rotten Tomatoes. That 13% rating from the critics is not an accurate representation of this movie. Square Enix has released 3 feature length films; Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (which sucked), Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (which is a divisive movie depending on who you ask), and this movie, Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV. It is personally, the best movie they have ever done. Let me explain the background of the film before going into Pros and Cons.

Background: This movie goes into detail behind the war between the two nations of Final Fantasy XV's world, Niflheim and Lucis. The Kingsglaive is a special military unit for Lucis that uses magic with the world's rules that also exist in the game and we see events take place from the prospective of members of the Kingsglaive.

Pros- Unlike The Spirits Within (That tried too hard to be it's own story) and Advent Children (technically a sequel to the video game, Final Fantasy VII), Kingsglaive is a companion movie to the Final Fantasy XV game. It shows us what we don't see in the movie during the first chapter of the game and it gives a further understanding of the impact and the toll it has on the main character in the game.
Instead of focusing on the main character, we look at a movie exclusive character named, Nyx Ulric, and he is a fantastic character. He is complex, there is emotion with him, and on top of it all, he has an incredible design. He looks like a hero. He is only in this movie, but I would have loved to see more of him.The characters you also see in the game are also really well written and stand out in their own way and all the character designs are unique.
The voice acting in this movie is top notch. Three big names gave there voices to the film; Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad lends his voice for Nyx, Lena Headley from Game of Thrones voices Lady Lunafreya, and Sean Bean voices King Regis (If you don't know who this is, go watch more movies). They all give fantastic performances and you feel the emotions they feel. That can be hard in an animated movie... Yes, this film is animated, not live action.
The animation is beautiful. This is one of the best visual films I have ever seen. This film can work by itself for that alone. It is pure eye candy and easy to watch. It even does a great job on areas I have seen other animated films struggle with. The characters look and feel realistic, the environments are distinct, and the action is fluid and natural. The animation style lends to the action and it is a fantastic experience to sit through. This makes the action in some live action movies look like a group of LARP (Live Action Role Playing) players. I love it, and the final fight is everything you would want in an action climax.

Cons- As good as Nyx is, the other movie exclusive characters are not as interesting. It is kind of hard to feel for them when you don't even see all their faces. All the cloaked Kingsglaive member might as well also wear a red shirt (Star Trek joke quota has been met) because it is hard to really get emotionally involved when things hit the fan for the minor characters. Of all the characters I wish I cared more about, it would have to be the Captain of the Glaive. His drive is not well fleshed out, he doesn't have a strong presence until the third act of the film, the only good part about him is his design.
I can understand someone who isn't interested in Final Fantasy XV not liking this movie. Since it is a companion film and not a prequel or sequel, it can be hard for someone who does not play any of the Final Fantasy games to get into the movie and get emotionally attached to any of the characters that are also in the game. Since it is part of a bigger story, casual audiences have a high chance of getting confused by the movie, because of the structure of it.

Final Thoughts: The reason I delayed talking about this movie, is because I am a part of the target audience. If you are curious about Final Fantasy and want to play the newest game in the franchise, I would recommend watching the movie first. If you want a movie for fun visuals, I could also recommend it. If you are a person that doesn't like video games and is not interested in Final Fantasy (you are missing out, by the way) then I can't recommend it. It is my favorite film from Square Enix, and since the movie comes from a video game company, It may be better suited for gamers to see it. If you are a Final Fantasy fan, check it out. If not, I'll leave it for you to decide if you want to see it or not.

Monday, April 10, 2017

An Immature Top 10 for Laughs

Inner Monologue:
Voice 1- What is wrong?
Voice 2- I don't know... I feel drained.
Voice 1- What? You need a sandwich or something.
Voice 2- No, emotionally drained. I have had zero ideas for the blog recently and I haven't been able to see any available movies for viewing and it's been some time since I did a really fun top 10.
Voice 1- What about the Death Battle list you did before.
Voice 2- That took research and a lot of other work to make an even fight. It wasn't as fun as I thought.
Voice 1- Maybe you need to vent out and do something different.
Voice 2- You know... I think I have something...


Yes, it is time to forget adulthood and go back to being a 13 year old boy, first hitting puberty and thinking about women and video games truly showed me a woman's beauty and appreciation.

This is a personal list and one for fun. All these women are from games I have played, so some that would be on your list will not be on mine. Forward all hate mail to (I have no idea if that is a real website). Let's get this list going. One more rule, one character per franchise. Otherwise the franchises in my top 2 would dominate the list in an unfair way. Let's get started. If you laughed, I'm glad. If you were aroused, you may want to get some help...

#10- Chun Li (Street Fighter)-
It was this or Cammy and personally, I like Chun Li's look and design more than Cammy's. Is it the outfit, the body (those thighs), her story, I think it's the hair. The twin bun is kind of cute to me. Not to mention when I was younger I had a thing for Asian chicks and that is also what boosted her onto the list. I am really going on previous Street Fighter game since I haven't played any after Street Fighter IV. I just have one more thing to say... Those Thighs...

#9- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)-
What is that I hear? An angry reader is sending a hate comment for Lara Croft only being number 9 on my list? Yup, because Lara Croft was not a big part of my childhood. I played her games later, and recent games have played down the sex appeal and that is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, she is still a hottie. The outfit and all her poses go to good use. Not to mention her abilities and her figure has always been appealing to someone. Yeah, she's attractive for all the good reasons. I just like others more.

#8- Mai (King of Fighter/ Fatal Fury)-
Wow... I'm just trying to piss people off aren't I. I didn't play any of the good King of Fighters game until later one in life and I only know of the Fatal Fury anime movies thanks to Bennett the Sage. However, I fully understand the appeal and I find her drop dead gorgeous in the King of Fighters games. She is a fighter that uses her body as an advantage... Her entire martial arts style involves seduction. She is a sex symbol... and if I was a target of hers, I would die staring at her chest. Those breast are the breast of legend and video game history.

#7- Cassandra (Soul Calibur)-
I had to pick someone younger, Cassandra has more appeal to me than Ivy, even with Ivy's amazing rack. Cassandra has a more even and better toned body. Not to mention her dance like pose that has full movement. I find her to be the hottest in the franchise. I'm not ashamed. I found and played her when I was younger, she is still my main in the games she's in and I am always using her at least once.

#6- Lydia (Skyrim)-
She is the most loyal companion I have ever had while exploring Skyrim, and the most physically appealing. She has no facepaint, so I can enjoy her lovely face whenever I want, and even in armor, she obviously has a rocking body. She is fit and lean with curves in all the right places. Even parody channels on YouTube recognize this and have made videos about it. It is the one character I wish I could marry in the game, but she stayed by my side to the very end and Dovakiin could not ask for a more loyal and sexy ally.

#5- Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat X)-
Imagine Sonya Blade in her prime and how beautiful she was. Now imagine her daughter. Yup, Cassie Cage is the daughter of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage and lucky for us, she got hr mom's features and her dads humor. She is a fun and spunky gal that got everyone's attention with her charm and even her selfies (if you get that joke, you played the game). She's even a good character in the story mode. That is hard in a fighting game, and she plays a big roll. I'm not spoiling anything. Don't even ask.

#4- Helena (Dead or Alive)-
Forget the unnatural Asian girl with large breast, give me the French woman with the large breast, who shaves. This Blonde haired, blue eyed, business woman is successful in martial arts, running a company, and singing opera. She is the complete package. I am not ashamed to have the hots for her after playing Dead or Alive 3, and I worked hard to understand her move set and play with her in game. I was young and not as good as my brother, but whatever, I still got eye candy. In case anyone is wondering, I have not played any of the Extreme Beach Volleyball games and anyone who has should be ashamed of themselves.

#3- Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda)-
This one is pure Nostalgia, I just don't care. I played Ocarina of Time for the first time when I was 10 years old and it was my goal to see her because my sister got to her and I saw her and she was my first pixel crush... With many more to follow. Yeah, I liked girls before I was supposed to. My parents had zero concern about my sexuality. Then Twilight Princess came out and she is the best she has ever looked in that game. The design is so good, they kept it in all future Super Smash Bros. games and let us all enjoy her appearance. He is the key definition of beautiful princess... Sorry, Peach... not sorry...

This list took awhile because of the struggle between my top 2. I love both these characters and constantly went back and forth between these 2 because of physical attraction and personality. Until this weekend, when I had an experience that cemented my decision.

#2- Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)-
If I didn't make the one character per franchise rule, this would be mostly Final Fantasy, but I have decided on not only my favorite female character in the franchise, but the only character who can pull off multiple outfits of multiple styles. Lightning Returns has you playing dress up with hr and no matter what you put on her, she pulls it off beautifully. Get a woman that can pull off any look. Not only that, I find her loyalty to her loved ones to be hot as well. A loyal woman is the best woman and she proves her loyalty in more ways than one. Just play the Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy and see for yourself. Haters gonna Hate.

#1- Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)-
You understand the struggle now? Aqua and Lightning are designed by the same person, they are owned by the same company, they even have similar facial and body features. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Anyways, I think Aqua is the hotter woman for a couple of reasons. 1, she is distinct in her personality and style. It is impossible to mistake her for another character. 2. The things she endures for her friends is hard to imagine for anyone to go through. Go play Birth By Sleep and 2.8 to understand. 3, I'm a little partial to Blue hair over Pink hair. I don't know why, I just think it is hotter. I know she is not everyone's number 1, but she is my number 1. It is my list. Aqua is a beautiful character that goes through so much and still holds on to hope due to her loyalty to her friends and duty, and that is sexy. Aqua is my number 1 for her looks, and her personality. She is the best of both worlds.

What are your favorite hot chicks in video games. For any woman who read this (I'd be shocked) who are your favorite hot guys in video games. Let's make this fair and even for all. See you next time.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Top 5 Worst Video Game Side Quest

Being positive all the time is exhausting! Time to vent some frustration!

A side quest in a video game can either expand the world and be a fun break from the main story, or it can be a waste of time and you forget about it as soon as you are done. The worst side quest not only feel like a waste of time, but they also break the usual gameplay for something less endearing or enjoyable. Here are my personal top 5 worst side quest in video games.

This is a personal list and these are games I like, even with these side quest. If you don't agree with me, share with me what you think is the worst side quest. Let's get started.

#5- Blitzball (Final Fantasy X)
I love Final Fantasy as a whole. My Youtube channel is dedicated to the franchise for a reason. However, I do acknowledge that they are not all perfect. Final fantasy X in particular has only a couple side quest, and Blitzball feels like one of the biggest time killers. What do you see in the opening cutscene during the tutorial? We see action, a lot of movement, people getting hurt, it looks like Football or Soccer under water. That should be awesome. Instead, we get an over complicated and slow game that feels like it's only purpose was for the developers to try something new. We never saw something like this after X and it is for a good reason. It is the weakest part of an otherwise great game.

#4- Love Letter (Skyrim)
Most people probably have no idea what this side quest is. To put simple, a Nord Bard and a Dark Elf Archer are fighting over a woman and you have a choice to give her a letter and say who wrote it or not... That's it... We also don't really get much of a prize for doing it. The archer isn't that good and I don't even know what the Bard gives you because he is just a prick and he doesn't deserve her. In fact, it is probably best to just ignore them both and marry her yourself... I think I might do that next time. The reason it is so bad is because this is grown men fighting over her and it feels like High School Drama... In a fantasy game... About killing DRAGONS... I don't blame you if you have no idea what this side quest is, because if you are smart, you probably ignored it.

#3- Malo Mart (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
If you asked me what my favorite Zelda game is, it would have to be Ocarina of Time, but Twilight Princess is a close second in my book, because of the combat and great new characters. However, one side quest stopped me from loving it more than I do, and that is the Malo Mart side quest. All you do, is donate Rupees. Nothing else, and they are constantly asking for more and more rupees when ever you go back. I lost track of how much I donated and in the end, all it did was buy a market in the city area and you could now buy magic armor that ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU HAVE RUPEES!!! In the felt, it felt like a waste of time. At least the other side quest were fun... I also just realized Malo should not be able to run a store... He's like 5 years old...

#2- Escort Missions (In General)
I remember playing Fable on the original Xbox, and I did a couple side quest in that game, because an escort mission turned me away from doing any other side quest. It was saving a little boy from some monsters... The boy died in one hit and walked like there was a cinder block tied to his ankle. This is not the first time I have encountered this. Any game can be easily ruined by an escort mission whether it is a side quest or a main quest. I asked my friends before making this list what they thought was the worst side quest and they all mentioned an escort mission in one way or another. I can't think of a single person who has ever said, "Escort missions are the best part of the game." They are not. If someone says that to you, they are lying and want to see you suffer.

#1- The Strip Club (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)
So in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you can buy businesses and do side quest in order for them to provide income for you. sounds fun right? Some of them include advertisement, some of them involve scandal, but one in particular is just awful. Why? Because all you do is spend money... Yup... In order to make money from the strip club, you have to watch a poorly made pixel stripper dance for you and spend money until you spent enough. You could start the mission, walk away from the TV, order a pizza, use the bathroom, and play whatever mobile game you want, and it would not be done. I was a younger kid when I played this side mission (too young to be playing it to be honest) and my friend and I wanted to unlock it and make money off the strip club (because of immaturity), and we thought it would be fun to just watch the dancer... It wasn't and we were both bored because it took ten minutes and we lost more money than we were making... I haven't played any of the Grand Theft Auto games after Vice City, and while I do still play Vice City when I'm in the mood to explore a fictional Miami, I avoid doing this one, because it is boring, does nothing for the story in the long run, and feels like a complete waste of my time.

Side Note: I'm stepping away from music and movies for a short time (Mainly due to boredom) and putting a little focus on Video Games. Not for reasons to be more popular (That is far from the reason and it wouldn't work anyways), but because i want to explore and expand my thinking more.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Top 5 Anticipated movies of 2017

I dropped the ball on my top 10s for December. So, I decided to do a top 5 to start the new year, because some pretty cool looking movies are coming out this year, and I am excited to see them. Here are my top 5 most anticipated film of 2017. This is a personal list and you don't have to agree. It is an opinion after all. Also, feel free to check out my new Youtube channel I have started with a buddy of mine. Here is the link:

Let's move on:

#5- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
As I stated previously, I'm not as big of a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I did love Guardians of the Galaxy. It felt fresh and had some characters I actually cared about. Not to mention a fun soundtrack and some great action. I am hoping for a better villain with Vol. 2, because that is what Marvel films need more than anything else. Give us a good villain and I may actually love another Marvel movie.

#4- Wonder Woman
I am more of a DC Comics fan than Marvel, and even though Batman V. Superman was a bit of a disappointment for me, Wonder Woman could be a saving grace for the struggling film universe that DC is trying to establish. With a strong character like Wonder Woman and taking it back to her first visit to America during World War 1 can be not only interesting, but we could see some great action scenes and a stronger villain. Please don't get this wrong. Wonder Woman needs  a life action movie that can really make a difference.

#3- The Mummy
The Branden Fraiser Mummy movies I can only view now a s a guilty pleasure, but with Tom Cruise and strong elements of both action and horror, this can be a great movie with thrills and fun. This is a movie Legendary Pictures is hoping to use to establish a universe of monsters, but I am hoping they do the right thing and make every movie it's own story with subtle connections instead of stories that require you to see them all to understand what is going on. Please do this right. With all the bad movies I have recently seen with classic monster movie characters, we need something good and fresh.

#2- Power Rangers
I was not expecting this, but the trailer for the film actually excited me. They are taking something that may not have aged that well, and putting a modern twist to it. Not only does the cast have my attention, but every element it the trailer has shown has given us something interesting. This feels more like a rebirth and not a remake. If it is going to be done, let it be done right and I will review it. I grew up with the original Power Rangers, so this is part of my childhood.

Honorable Mentions before we move forward-

HM #1- Beauty and the Beast- It looks interesting and they are doing some changes to the Disney classic, but too much things from the original keep me from getting excited. Please make it fresh enough and not something that will rely on Nostalgia like the Jungle Book did.

HM #2- Justice League- I love DC and I'm excited that we are getting this movie, but I haven't seen enough to get as excited for it as I have for other movies.

HM #3- Logan- I love most of the X-Men movies, and this should be a great farewell for Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart. I am waiting to see more before I get too excited this time though. I am playing it safe this time.

Now to the big one.

#1- Ghost in the Shell
I know, I know the controversy, but I have an argument against the whitewash accusation. The Japanese were also shown the same image that we saw at first and guess what they said? "She looks like the character." Let's put that crap aside and focus on everything else. This movie is already set to have some of the best Sci-Fi visuals I have ever seen. I don't care about the R-rating, or the casting controversy. I am still excited for this movie to come out. Anime to Live Action adaptations need a better example than Speed Racer, and if any story and movie can do that, let it be this one. Ghost in the Shell has enough intrigue and potential to give something that will surpass the stereotype and be a turning part for live action adaptations. That is why this is my number 1 most anticipated movie of 2017.