Friday, March 25, 2016

Movie Review: The Avengers

Superhero movies can be either fresh and interesting, or a repeat of previous films. When it is fresh and interesting, it stand out and makes you want to actually read comic books. When it is a repeat, it just makes you want to wait until the next movie and hope they backpedal to fix the problems of the first film. No company is more guilty of that than Marvel. Yes, I don't like Marvel's Cinematic Universe. While it is impressive that all the films connect, one of them struggles to stand well on their own.

Where we got some good stand alone movies, like Iron Man and Guardians of The Galaxy, all the sequels tend to repeat the same plot while leaving some plot holes to be filled by the sequel. However, people tend to ignore it and just say "It's perfect! You have to love Marvel!" And I say, "You are wrong." Marvel is not perfect. They are just as flawed as other movies are.

To prove it, I am taking apart what some have called, The Best Superhero Movie of All Time, The Avengers. Where I liked the movie the first time I saw it, every time I watched it after... My eyes kind of started seeing the problems behind all the flare.

The Pros: There is nothing wrong with the casting in these movies. All the actors properly portray the characters we got in the comics. The action is eye candy and can be enjoyed by just watching it. When I first saw it, I was sucked into solely the action and I ignored all the problems. It is also our first time seeing Hawkeye in action. He is the best lesser known Marvel character out there and it is nice to see he is well represented. It is quick to catch your attention, so it is good if you need a movie to distract you. Thor is my favorite character in the movie. He is well represented by Chris Hemsworth and he does have the best lines in the movie.

The Cons: The characters are poorly written. Iron Man is a prick, Captain America is a Boy Scout, Nick Fury has no personality outside of yelling and complaining, Black Widow is a cock tease. and Loki is a bratty child. If you met anyone like them in real life, you would think the same way. That is the difference between a good character and a bad character. The action, even of impressive, is just CGI. I have seen movies, like Transformers and Man of Steel, get crap from critics for the use of CGI, and this movie gets a free pass when it looks exactly the same, even worse in some cases. There are some huge plot holes throughout the film. For example, what is the Tesseract? We hear what it can do and it's functions, but what is it? The movie explains nothing about it and  it is crucial item for the plot. This is the same plot as all the Iron Man movies; The hero is introduced, the hero makes a mistake, bad things happen, the hero makes a resolve, the day is saved, and an open end announcing a sequel. This was so well received Marvel has repeated it over and over again after this movie with all their sequels. I haven't like a Marvel movie sequel after this one for that reason.

Final Thoughts: I don't like this movie, but I know I am a minority. People have their reasons for liking them and I will respect that. For some, it may be an incredible movie, but for me, it is nothing special. My favorite Superhero movie will be brought up Monday March 28th. 

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