Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Movie Review: X-Men: Days of Future Past

Welcome to Super Hero month!

The X-Men film franchise had been interesting for more than one reason. Where none of them have 100% followed the comics, they have still been proven to be some of the better comic based movies in the market today... except for X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. However, I don't think I would benefit by talking about those two movies, because after those movies we got three more movies that proved to be leagues better and have given us something great as stand alone movies. Those movies being X-Men: First Class, The Wolverine, and today's movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past.

I picked this movie not because I liked it, but because it was also my favorite movie of 2014. Think about that... 2014 gave us Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Fault in Our Stars, The Lego Movie, and How to Train Your Dragon 2, and This is my favorite film to have come out that year.

The Pros: It is a completed story, which is hard for any sequel to do. However, because of the subject the film presents, it works better than any other sequel I have seen. Time Travel is very hard to present properly, but this movie managed to do it incredibly well without plot holes. We see both old and new characters in this film franchise. Even though not all of them get speaking lines or anything like that, the scenes still work really well without dialogue. The Sentinels! I have been wanting to see this things since the original X-Men movie came out, and they are threatening! You see just what they can do at the beginning of the movie and it gives you a full understanding of the threat that is present among these characters. Magneto! This is still one of the best written characters I have seen from Marvel and both Ian Mckellen and Michael Fassbender shows us just that. The cast still shows us all the powerful characters we loved in previous movies. When we see something tragic, or scary for the character, we feel it. Every character death hits hard! That is what it is supposed to do and I loved that when I first saw it and when I watched it again before writing this review. When a new power is presented, they do their best to explain that and I appreciate that. This movie has some of the best CGI I have ever seen and mixed practical effects into the movie as well, making the visuals fantastic. It is a great film to look at and it feels good on the eyes.

The Cons: I myself do not see it as a con, but I'm sure others will and I'll get some person complaining about it. It is not 100% accurate with the comic. I have to argue this, would you have wanted to see it if it was about Kitty Pride (Shadow Cat) going into the past? Think about that.

Final Thoughts: I'm not going to give a number rating this month and see what happens, because I can't give any of these movies a number. I didn't think I would like this movie as much as I did. I was surprised by it and that is something I haven't had in a theater in a long time, because I see every movie without expectations and an open mind, even when watching something for a second or third time. This is the best X-Men movie when have ever gotten. I love this franchise and I am looking forward to whatever Bryan Singer and the guys at Fox give us next in this franchise.

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