Monday, March 28, 2016

Movie Review: Batman: Under The Red Hood

That's right! My favorite Superhero movie is not only a Batman movie, but a direct to DVD animated film. Where Marvel has been doing well with Hollywood release features, DC Comics has been giving us something better in other formats. The best example is in fact this movie, Batman: Under The Red Hood. When I first saw it, I had one nitpick about it. As I watched it again and again, that nitpick was gone and I began to love it more and more.

I'm not going to do a pros and cons kind of review this time because I really don't have any cons to this movie. Instead, I am going to talk about all the good and even mention a bit of a warning to those who have not seen it.

The film looks and sounds better than even some Hollywood animated films. It has your attention throughout. The voice acting is top notch. People who are popular on TV shows more than movies are providing some voice acting that matches the characters perfectly. Jensen Ackles (Supernatural) and Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother) are two actors that are a part of this film and they match the characters they are given and makes them feel realistic, even for an animated feature. The one voice actor I first had an issue with was John DiMaggio as the Joker, but when I watched it the second time, I understood his interpretation of the Joker and it is now my favorite Joker, next to Mark Hamill's portrayal of the character in the original animated series in the 90s. Bruce Greenwood voices Batman and it is his first time doing it, but it is incredible. He sounds like Batman in the way he should with a film and story like this.

The movie is only 75 minutes long, but that means no filler! Everything contained within the movie is plot focused and keeps the story movie without delaying it (take note Marvel). There are no plot holes. It follows it's comic book story line and keeps it focused on just the one movie instead of trying to introduce a sequel. The ending is open, but solely to say that Batman's adventures are far from over. We will see more Batman and we will always get more material from this character.

Another thing this movie does is not only introduce us to character Hollywood hasn't even done, but has given us a character Warner Bros. has avoided for a long time; Jason Todd, the second Robin. The Batman Animated series we all know and love gave us Dick Grayson (The First Robin who became Nightwing) and Tim Drake (The Third Robin) and skipped Jason Todd. Why would they do that, some people may wonder. It was because Jason Todd was much more violent and rebellious than the rest of them and was the only one who officially died. This character is what Batman believes to be his biggest failure. I'm not going to spoil anymore because it is an amazing story.

This movie catches 2 things other Batman movies have failed to do; show Batman as a detective (think of one film that has truly highlighted that from Hollywood), and show what the relationship between Batman and Robin really is. Batman and Robin are more than just mentor and student, it is Father and Son. Bruce Wayne took in children who were recently orphaned or came from trouble upbringing, showed them a better life, and trained them to someday become heroes and icons as well.

This movie makes you think about your own life. Seeing a character like Batman, one we painted in our heads as the greatest Superhero of all time, face his failures and own up to his mistakes, made me want to do the same thing. Nobody is perfect, everyone is human, we all make mistakes and who better to show us that than the icon of most people childhood.

Warning: This movie has some brutal scenes. Even though it has the PG-13 rating, it is on the border between that and the R rating. The movie even starts with a scene that is kind of hard to watch if you are a young kid. It can be brutal and violent at time, much like the comic.

Overall: If you have not seen this movie, I urge you to see it. I even have a copy of it if you need to borrow it. If you are not a fan of violence, I still recommend it. It capture everything that makes a great movie and leave a mark to do better. I do not know if we will get anymore good DC films from Hollywood, but I am more than satisfied with what I have gotten already from the direct to DVD films, and this is my favorite above all of them.

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