Monday, May 20, 2013

Album Review: Ungrateful, Escape the Fate

Escape the Fate is a Hardcore Punk band that has gone through quite a few changes over the years. From the new vocalist and the lose of a guitarist in 2008 to another guitarist for the new album. In my opinion, the newer vocalist is actually better than the old vocalist with this kind of genre. He has a good range from screaming and growling, to a soft, melodic singing style. They are still doing new things, but still keeping the elements that made them a popular band in the Punk community. At the beginning of the album, it does sound a lot more Metal than Punk, which may turn off some of the old Escape the Fate fans. However, other might like it more. I'm open to both, I enjoy both the old and new styles with this band. I cannot look past the swearing though. It has quite a bit of swearing mixed into the album, which bothers some people, myself included. My verdict is a 7/10. Listen to the album on Pandora or Spotify, then buy the songs you want.

2 Songs I recommend: Forget About Me and Picture Perfect
2 Songs I didn't care for: You're Insane and Live Fast, Die Beautiful

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