Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Album Review: Seether's Isolate and Medicate

Seether for me has been kind of a childhood enjoyment. I first heard them when I was 12 and I have constantly found myself going back and listening to them. They are also on of the bands that got me interested in the guitar company that makes the guitar I have in my current picture. So, I may be late to the party for this album, but I still wanted to take a good look at it and write this review.

First of all, every song is different; One song it has their signature, the next has Heavy Metal riffs, and the one after is kind of relaxing. I've mentioned before how much it bothers me to have every song on an album sound exactly the same and Seether doesn't do that. Most of the messages they have is very much like previous works. Seether is known for the more angst and anger in the lyrics and that is no different, whether it is about politics or personal experience, it is left up to interpretation. The lyrics are written to fit what is bothering you right now. I have very little to complain about.

The only gripe is the explicit language in two or three songs. That is what stops me from recommending to everyone, like I did with Chevelle. If the language is not a bothering factor for you, check it out. My verdict is a 9/10.

Favorite songs: Word's as Weapons, Crash, Suffer it All.

Least Favorites: Same Damn Life, Nobody Praying For Me.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Anime Review: Madoka Magica

As far as magical girl anime is concerned, it has the problem of being not only predictable, but also cliche. Ever since it's founding show, Sailor Moon, every magical girl anime has been pretty much the same thing. Madoka Magica is actually a step away from the cutesy, pretty magical girl genre.

Not only is it dark in art style and tone, but also in how the characters act. They all have tragic backstories that we learn early on and we get to experience their tragic ends. The anime is only twelve episodes long, so we don't get enough character development to really bond with the characters. You feel for them and start to care, but before you get to fall in love with them, they're gone. It makes you wish it was longer. Not only that, but they aren't unique characters in anime either. They are unique to the genre, but you see similar characters that are better portrayed in other genres. So you think about those other characters sometimes.

The worst one is the main character. It is very hard for me to like this character. She is not only emotionally unbalanced (which can work) but she is developed into that character that is self sacrificing and gives up everything for what they love. Kind of that Messiah (Savior) character. That is in a lot of psychological thriller anime and some action anime. She isn't unique at all.

Everyone else is okay. They all have definitive personalities and they are likable. I would just like to get to know them better. The problem is that it is short and feels kind of rushed. It is unique to the magical girl genre, but familiar in other anime in general.

My final verdict is an Emo Playhouse/10. It's like nothing we have seen in the genre, but the more you look at it, you can tell someone has done it before in other genres. I won't discourage or encourage anyone from watching it. If you are curious, check it out.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Anime Review: Shuffle

As an anime fan, I admit that it can be hard to find an anime with a good romance behind it. However, Funimation got their hands on a gem back in the mid 2000s. This is where our first review comes into place, the anime called, Shuffle.

The franchise was first introduced an adult visual novel (a type of game) made for Microsoft Windows, and later as a cleaner version on the Playstation 2, but came into the US as a manga in 2004. Then in 2008, an anime of it came into the United States and put into English by Funimation studios. The series had 24 episodes, and luckily removed the elements that made the game an adult only game. The box set for the anime wasn’t released until 2009 and it is what is now available.

Considering a background like that, one would expect this to be basically hentai, but it actually isn’t. Does it have fan service? Yes. Is there nudity? Yes. Does that mean this is an anime only perverted minds would enjoy? No.

The World:
            The main theme of the world of this anime is that, the realm of the Gods and the realm of the Demons have opened up to the realm of the humans and they have learned to co-exist. As far as being able to tell the difference… The Gods have small pointed ears and the demons ears are longer and still pointed. Both of them have their own uniqueness to them and defined characteristics. Demons are skilled with magic and Gods have physical strength and build. So, this is actually a mixture of Fantasy and Romance. Which can turn out to be really good, which is the point in this case.

The Story:
            The story is about Rin, a human, young man in high school and living with his childhood friend, Kaede, and her dad due to a accident killing his parents and her mother.  Turns out, two girls, a demon (Nerine) and a god (Lisianthus also goes by Sia), both come to his school as new students and as fate seemed to add a bizarre twist, they know Rin from when they were younger and are both in love with him. Something like this wouldn’t be too big of an issue except for one thing… The two new girls, plus his childhood friend who also loves him, are rated as the hottest girls in school. So, not only does he have to choose a girl, but he also has every guy jealous of him and trying to beat the crap out of him. Not only that, but the new girls’ fathers are the kings of their respected realms and whichever he chooses will make him the heir to that realm and he could gain all the powers of either the Gods or the Demons… Talk about a hard choice.

Thoughts on the story:
            The story sounds very simple and downright bizarre, but it works out really well. It keeps you entertained and pulled in and it explains itself and the characters as it goes on and it keeps you wanting to watch it more and more.

Character Thoughts:
            Rin: Simply put, Rin is a fantastic character! You do feel jealousy towards him, but you also feel sympathy for him. He’s just all in all a good guy, who is trying to make everyone happy. Turns out it ends up blowing up in his face. As a protagonist, he is very likeable and relatable. It really is no wonder why all the main girls like him so much. He won’t give them a reason not to like him.

            Kaede: This character has by far the biggest twist in the entire series. Remember how in the story summary, we said she loved him. That was a light exaggeration. She is obsessed with him!! So much that she won’t do anything if it’s not for him. She takes care of everything for him, even when he asked her not to do it. At first you see her as a very innocent girl, then you see her go completely psycho and get scared of her.

            Nerine: She is a very quiet character, but very likeable. Unlike other girls in the show, she doesn’t try to seduce him as much as the others do. Her approach is more trying to impress him and do things that would make him happy emotionally instead of physically. Which in my opinion makes her different from the others and a very likeable character in that light. However, she does have some faulty moments. Her magic makes her threatening and with the very few moments it happens, it’s shocking.

            Lisianthus: Also known as Sia. Out of all the girls, this is the one that tries the hardest to get Rin to love her. She is one of those characters that have likeable moments, but also some moments I found her selfish and out of all of them, didn’t deserve to be with Rin. But she was fair in the end and gained an understanding for his feelings as well and was happy for him regardless of his decision in the end.

            Asa: This one I didn’t mention when explaining the story. She is human and another close friend to Rin, and does play a big part in the story. Out of all the girls, I would say this is my favorite one out of all them. She is very kind hearted, loyal, and always seems to have helped Rin whenever he needed someone to talk to. She also seemed to be the most human in the anime. She even teased him like any friend would and it was easy to tell how strong of a character she was and the part she plays in the story. Out of all the other girls, she was the one that at first seemed the least likely to end up with him, then they both developed in a direction where it seemed more likely. I could go one for hours about how likeable this character is, but I won’t for the sake of time.

            Primula: Also called Rimu, this is the youngest girl, but also the most interesting. She doesn’t show much emotion when she is first introduced, but is very attached to Rin. Then as it goes, she begins to show more emotion and becomes a more relatable character. She is a demon, and is quiet and calm like the other demons in the show. However, I didn’t see her as a romantic involvement with Rin. It seemed more like a brother/sister relationship. I thought it was a good move and added some depth and friendship in the show next to the romance.

Those are the main characters, as for the supportive characters. They are all enjoyable in their own light. I haven’t found anyone I hated or disliked in the show.

The Bottom Line:
            This show’s story and characters are fantastic. The voice acting works with every character and the direction the story goes in is almost flawless. The art style and animation pays great attention to detail. The thing that is a turn off is simply, fan service and nudity. This is based on an Adult Graphic Novel after all, but it wasn’t necessary. The story wouldn’t change at all if it were taken out. That is my one big issue with this anime. If it doesn’t bother you, go ahead and enjoy the story, as long as you are in the young adult age group. Final Verdict 7/10! It is a great anime. The nudity and fan service is a problem and a big one for me.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Album Review: The Used- Imaginary Enemy

The Used is a band that I have a love/hate relationship with. I either love a song, or hate it from them. In recent years, their material hasn't done anything for me. So, when I heard they released a new album this year, I was skeptical about it. However, I was rather impressed by this one.

The album is unique, compared to previous things they have done. They are pro-love, and anti-everything else. Content wise, that is what it is. It is obviously atheist in some areas and talks bad about America's current standing. If these things bother you, this is not the album for you. However, I have found some songs with not only unique sounds, but is also very symbolic and beautiful to listen to, and some songs have some great heavy sounds that gets you wanting to be in a mosh pit.

I only have one major problem with this album and that is the last two songs. The second to last is not terrible until the end where they ruin it with constant vulgarity. The last song shows to be 14 minutes, 41 seconds, when it is actually about 4 minutes, 7 minutes of silence, and 3 minutes of a confusing song. THAT IS WASTED MEMORY SPACE!! Why would you do that?

In total, I liked more than I dislike on this album. My final verdict is an 8/10. Check it out if you are interested.

Songs I recommend: Cry, Evolution, Generation Throwaway

Songs I didn't like: A Song to Stifle Imperial Progression (A Work in Progress), Overdose

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Movie Review: Gravity (2013)

If I could put this movie into one word, that word would have to be, revolutionary. Gravity is an Oscar winning film and it makes sense why. As soon as it started, it had my interest. It has been a long time since I've seen George Clooney and Sandra Bullock in something this good. The camera angle does shift around often, but not in a distracting way. It makes you feel like you are lost with her, like you are experiencing the same thing. It even goes into first person view.

Anyways, the story is an accident occurs in space, killing all but two crew members and leaving the survivors stranded in space. Now they must avoid satellite pieces flying through space, but also find a station available to get them home.

Now despite how I summarized the story, this not Science Fiction. This shows us how it would feel to be lost in space. This is a realistic story. When I say this, I am not saying this really happened. It just doesn't feel like a SciFi movie. It feels more like an Action/Drama in space.

Now, there is some symbolism, but it isn't enough to say that it is annoying or anything. In all reality, they all point to the sensitivity of life and the natural need to survive.

Final Thoughts: I loved it. People who don't like quiet movies may not enjoy it as much as others, but people who are looking for a deep story and some amazing acting will love this movie.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Album Review: Chevelle's La Gargola

With Chevelle's greatest hits release in 2012, some would have thought that was the end for them. That is not the case when it comes to Chevelle and their new album, La Gargola (which translate into, The Gargoyle), they have proven that they still have plenty of miles left. This is proof that some rock bands age like a fine wine and Chevelle is one of them. Having both heavy and intense songs, to mellow songs that even reminded me a little bit of Pink Floyd. I really can't even really choose anything bad about this album. Even the order of the songs was so well done. Whoever mixed and put the album together knew what they were doing. It starts heavy like a nice workout and gives you a chill out at the end like stretching to prevent cramps after. It is a perfect balance! I even have a hard time believing that only three people are in this band. This is how you turn up the volume after a Greatest Hits album! My Final Verdict is a 10/10! Check this out, and don't forget to see this band on tour.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Movie Review: Frozen (2013)

Normally I don't try to do Disney movies, because everybody has seen them. However, the recent film, Frozen, has gotten everyone falling in love with Disney all over again. As for me, I have always loved Disney, despite their bad movies. But Frozen is definitely one of the best films they have done in a long time.

I love their two previous animated films, Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph. Frozen though, combines everything I loved about the two previous films, good humor, a well told story,  and great character relationships.

The film is about two sisters, Anna and Elsie. Elsie has a magical power over ice that she cannot control and hides away from the world and tries to hide her powers. An accident occurs and she loses control causing their entire kingdom to fall into an eternal winter. Anna goes to try to bring back her sister and save the kingdom.

It is based on a Norwegian story, but lightened up because Disney does that. However, I found myself caring for all the characters in this movie and enjoying every single one of them. Even the villain, which is part of a plot twist so I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it (which is probably only four of my friends), was something I loved. I haven't been surprised by a villain like this since The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Not only that, but it also has something Disney has not yet done, having a family relationship as the focus.

The music is also amazing! I know a lot of people love the song, Let it Go. I actually found myself loving For The First Time in Forever or Do You Want To Build A Snowman even more. That is a personal opinion, but I have found those as the songs that give you the best idea of the relationship between the sisters and shows how different the two are.

This movie has a romance in it, but the focus is the relationship between Anna and Elsie. That was something that made me fall in love with this movie more than anything else. Even the moment when an act of love is required is one that happens with the sisters and the guy is not involved. I loved that!

I am so thankful for seeing this film and wish I saw it earlier. I recommend this movie to everyone. Easily now one of my top 10 favorite movies.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Album Review: Dead by April's Let the World Know

Yes, I have not stopped doing this. This will be my main focus. The movies are just going to be something on the side.

Now, Dead By April's new album Let the World Know. This band has done something incredible by combining soft piano, synthesizer, and clean beautiful vocals with heavy guitars and drums and screaming making a unique sound in the world of Metalcore. Do they do the same thing, after many member changes, with there third album? The answer is, Yes!

Unlike other bands, the changes in members hasn't hurt the band at all. The chemistry is still there and they are going strong. These songs are both beautiful and heavy hitting at the same time. It does slow down a little towards the end though. This is one I would recommend to not only metal lovers, but also to teeny pop kids who are interested in other genres. This makes a good transition for doing something like that. My verdict is a 9/10! Check this one out!

Songs I recommend: As A Butterfly, Done with Broken Hearts
Song I didn't care for: Replace you

Monday, March 17, 2014

Movie Review: The Swan Princess (1994)

So, I was on Netflix, looking for something to do, and I stumbled upon this film, The Swan Princess. Developed by Nest Productions (my LDS audience would know this as the company behind Living Scriptures). This was the full length movie they did, or at least to hit the theaters.

I've checked some sites for the average rating. Audiences thought it was okay, critics thought it was very "eh." My opinion... It is better than most recent children movies, but not enough to sit down and watch it myself more than once. I will watch it with kids when they want to watch it.

The story is, two neighboring kingdoms have the idea to bring the two together through the marriage of a prince and princess. When the two are younger and growing up, they don't get along, then start to fall in love. Things go wrong when the prince says something without thinking (typical guy thing to do) and then she gets kidnapped and imprisoned by a curse and a sorcerer out to achieve her fathers kingdom through marriage. So, the prince must rescue her and break her curse before it is too late.

The Positive- It doesn't talk down to the audience, which is a huge pet-peeve of mine with children's movies. You need to talk at children, not down to them. That is a big problem with some movies, but this doesn't. It has also aged pretty well. The voice casting was well done. Without any major actors for the most part, you see more of the characters and not the actors. There also aren't any plot holes either. It is also a romance you can believe. Plus, the animation has aged pretty well.

The Negative- It makes a plot turn that makes no sense and the villain is probably one of the weakest have ever seen. He is one dimensional, has a very bad plan, and he has a ridiculous song, that is probably the weakest song in the movie. It does have subtle moment of LDS/Mormon doctrine, which can turn off some people who aren't members of the Church.

Final Thoughts- This is a movie for children and a better one than others. I am not looking at this movie through nostalgia lenses. If you want a wholesome film for your younger kids, I would recommend this one. For an older audience, there are better animated films for them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Movie Review: Apollo 18

Yup, I am reviewing an indie film. Now indie films can be good, but the majority of them are either really bad, or hilariously bad.

Apollo 18 is about a top secret mission to the moon and due to what happens on it, the record was removed, the government made up a fake story to say how the people involved died when in reality, they discovered life on the moon and it killed them.

That is pretty much the summary of the movie, so I just saved you an hour and a half of your time. I was expecting it to be like other bad horror films (so bad I can laugh at it). However, this movie was boring! I didn't even get a jump scare out of this. It tried though, but it suffers from two things; a stupid concept and a bad alien design.

As far as the camera shooting goes, that was probably the best part of it, and the acting wasn't too bad. It seems believable that they were actually astronauts, but too much bad overshadows that. The concept is... wait for it... The aliens are space rocks. SPACE ROCKS??? Do I even have to explain how stupid that is?
Not only that, but if you look closely enough at the aliens, they look like the crabs you would see in A game made by Nintendo (Metriod or Legend of Zelda maybe). It's just embarrassing! It is hard to believe someone thought this was scary.

This one, I can't recommend to anyone and watch it at your own risk.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Movie Review: The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

I did not plan another movie based from the Baroque period, I swear. This was another request.

I'm sure a lot of people know the story of The Count of Monte Cristo. A man who was falsely charged with treason is locked away for 13 years and plans that time, plus another 3 years in preparation, to get revenge on others. It is a deep story on revenge and the consequences of seeking revenge. I haven't read much of the book myself, but it is something a lot of people love. But how did the movie do in my eyes?
For starters, the casting was done well. The actors fit the roles very well. That is something I liked about the movie. The problem I have with it is the second half of the movie. Isn't it supposed to teach how bad revenge is? Then why does he get the woman he loves, his son he just met, and all his wealth in the end? (spoiler alert!) Is that how the book ends? It's not a very believable ending. I was expecting something to teach me how revenge is a bad thing and that you loose what is most important in order to achieve it. There was a Simpson's parody of this story that did that! This movie didn't do that for me. Also some moments of dialogue that should have been serious, but ended up being laughable. That is poor pacing. I enjoyed the first half and was really into the story, but the second half was a fast fall that made me dislike the movie greatly.
I know a lot of people like this movie (my wife is one of them) and that is fine, I don't think any less of people who do. This isn't one of those movies that is terrible beyond all belief (I'll get to those, just wait.) But on a personal level, I didn't like it. I'm thankful I saw it, but I won't be watching it again anytime soon.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Movie Review: The Phantom of the Opera

So this is my first movie review on the blog and I must say, I am excited to be doing it. It will mean I will be able to post more often than I have been. Don't worry, I'll still do album and music reviews, I will be doing this as well. It is actually easier. I will be giving a different analysis for a movie though, not a number rating.

Now for the review. The Phantom of the Opera (2004) is a film adaptation of the famous Broadway show that still is Broadway's oldest living play. Directed by Joel Shumacher, who is known best for what he did to the Batman character with Batman and Robin (that is a review for another time.) and this was a project he did after that movie. Now audiences enjoyed the movie, but it was hated by critics. Where do I stand on this spectrum? Eh, somewhere in the middle. I think it didn't do enough to really adapt into a film and it had too much music in areas where dialogue or even just silence could have made the scene better, but the places where the music works it works really well. Another problem lies with some of the choreographed scene have jumps in between them and you can't even enjoy all the effort the actors and dancers did. The best part of it was the casting however. Gerald Butler really caught me off guard with his performance as the Phantom. Everyone else did a well enough job and fulfilled the role as well. The portrayal is probably the weakest part of the movie. At times I either felt chemistry between characters and sometimes I didn't. It confused my emotions almost as much as a Tyler Perry movie does. Final thoughts? I would label it a guilty pleasure. Personally I don't like Operas, but I found myself enjoy some parts and hating others. If you liked all of it or hated all of it, that is fine. If you want to see it yourself I won't stop you, but if you want a recommendation from me, it wouldn't be this one.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Album Review: Nine Lashes- From Water to War

Nine Lashes is a somewhat new Christian Rock band with their first album release in 2009. From Water to War is the band's third album release to date, and how is it compared to some of the albums from last year? Very well actually. I listened to this album multiple times and every song is different. What separates it from their last album, World We View, they added more piano and synthesizer to most of their songs, but kept the heavy sound they gave us previously. Take note Linkin Park and Fall Out Boy, this is how you add digital sounds and keep your original sound at the same time. Yes, it is possible! Lyrically, it is beautiful, but in one or two songs it can be a little too preachy. That will turn off those who are not religious or atheist. You can really tell there is effort in the rest of the band. The vocalist really shines in this album as well as the guitarists. Drum work and bass is equally great and gets your adrenaline going. This is the right way to start the new year and I am looking forward to more coming out. My verdict is a 9/10!! I recommend this album to those looking for good Christian Rock outside of bands like Red, Skillet, and Thousand Foot Krutch. Nine Lashes deserves a place among other great Christian bands and I will recommend them to anyone looking for something new.